A Mobile Math List: Games for Elementary Students

Many students feel that math is their hardest subject. It's not necessarily harder, but it is different. When students can recognize those differences they will succeed in math. Math is similar to learning a new sport. Just as athletes need to practice, students need to practice their math skills as well. It may seem hard at first, but the more often math drills and exercises are performed, the better the math abilities will become. The adage, "practice makes perfect" is true when it comes to building math proficiency. Games are a great way to help a student to improve without feeling as if they are constantly working on school assignments. Including math education in free time and every day life can help many students who struggle with math to see the bigger picture. From counting to telling time, students can have fun with the following games: Many students feel that math is their hardest subject. It's not necessarily harder, but it is different. When students can recognize those differences they will succeed in math. Math is similar to learning a new sport. Just as athletes need to practice, students need to practice their math skills as well. It may seem hard at first, but the more often math drills and exercises are performed, the better the math abilities will become. The adage, "practice makes perfect" is true when it comes to building math proficiency. Games are a great way to help a student to improve without feeling as if they are constatly working on school assignments. Including math education in free time and every day life can help many students who struggle with math to see the bigger picture. From counting to telling time, students can have fun with the following games:

Numbers and Counting


  • Addition Machine: Use the addition machine to learn how to add.
  • Math Baseball: Choose your form of arithmetic style to get in the swing of things.
  • Rounding: A seashell rounding game.
  • Place Value: Choose to the correct number place for the dinosaur.
  • Base Ten Concepts: Pick the number of blocks to get the right base ten.
  • Math Mayhem: Math skills such as adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying can be practiced with this single or multi-player game.
  • Multiplication: This games on this page work on building multiplication skills for younger students.
  • Home Run Derby: This baseball inspired game helps students learn basic math concepts.
  • Numbers Machine: Make the number larger than the hacker’s machine. Be careful the hacker is a trickster.
  • Arithmetic Game: Math practice for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Arithmetic games: A collection of games designed to help students struggling with math.
  • Soccer Shootout: Play soccer while practicing basic math skills with whole numbers and fractions.
  • Connect Four: Play the classic game Connect Four with a mathematical twist.
  • Alien Addition: This space-age math link will help young learners master subtraction.
  • Multiplication Grand Prix: Win the race and master multiplication with this easy multiplication game.


  • Decimal Squares: A collection of decimal interactive games.
  • Jeopardy: Up to two players can play this decimal and number jeopardy.
  • Decimal Square: Use the squares to explore the division of decimals.
  • Decimals to the 1,000th: This unique page allows you to create customized math problems with decimals.



  • Grapher: Create an interactive graph.
  • Domino Graphs: Use dominoes to make this graph game.
  • Shooting Balls: Shoot the arrow through the balls to play this graph game.
  • Data to Graph: Help on graphing and transferring data.
  • Create a Graph: Create your own graph. Use the tutorial if you don’t where to start.
  • Pool Table Math: Practice math drawing a graph while playing table top pool.


  • Which Coin: Decide which coins each kid needs to equal the amounts they need.
  • Fruit Shoot Coin Game: This fun game teaches students to count money.
  • Cash Out: You have crazy customers you have to give the correct change to.
  • Ed’s Bank: This bank simulation game focuses on counting money.
  • Coin Value: Fill the cup with coins until it reaches the amount shown. The lights will twinkle as you roll the coins down the slide
  • Counting Coins: Targeted at younger students, this game teaches youngsters to count coins.


  • Bang on Time: Adjust the clocks hand speed and read the time in words to set the clock right.
  • Time Activities: Games focused on telling time and honing skills.
  • What Time is it?: Tell time the clock shows after you stop the winding clock.
  • Tell Time: Enter the time correctly that’s shown from the clock.
  • Clock Talk: Choose an hour or half hour game to set the clock hands at the right time.