Altronix Parts Accessory
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Products and parts from Altronix.
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Altronix Parts Accessory Options
Altronix EFLOW104NB AccessoryAltronix Off-Line Switching Power Supply/Charger - 120 V AC Input / 24 V DC$308.85
Altronix STRIKEIT1B2 AccessoryStrikeit1B-STRIKEIT1 BOARD$315.34
Altronix AL168300CBM AccessoryAltronix AL168300CBM Proprietary Power Supply - Wall Mount - 110 V AC Input$315.52
Altronix ALTV244175CB220 Accessory24 VAC 7.25A 4OUT CCTV Power supply 220V$316.60
Altronix ALTV244175220 AccessoryAltronix 4 Fused Outputs CCTV Power Supply. 24VAC @ 7.25A or 28VAC @ 6.25A - Wall Mount - 220 V AC Input$316.60
Altronix EFLOW4NX8 ProductsAltronix Eight (8) Fused Outputs Power Supply/Charger - Wall Mount - 120 V AC Input / 12 V DC, 24 V DC - 8 +12V Rails$318.43
Altronix EFLOW4NX8D ProductsAltronix Eight (8) PTC Outputs Power Supply/Charger - Wall Mount - 120 V AC Input / 12 V DC, 24 V DC - 8 +12V Rails$318.43
Altronix TV3 AccessoryTrove3 Backplane for Altronix/HID-Vertx$318.65
Altronix HUBSAT4DIV Power Device4CH ISO UTP WALL with PWR 220 VAC$319.31
Altronix THW3 AccessoryTROVE3 ALTRONIX/HW BACKPLANE$323.80
Altronix HUBWAYDVIPK AccessoryHubWayDvi Eight 8 Pack$328.78
Altronix AL400ULXF AccessoryAL400ULX ALT VER XFMR & LG CAB$330.17
Altronix AL1012X220 AccessoryAltronix Single Output Power Supply/Charger. 12VDC @ 10A. Grey Enclosure & Transformer - Wall Mount - 220 V AC Input$330.62
Altronix POE240 Accessory56VDC 240W Power supply BD CHRGR$334.72
Altronix TROVE1C1 AccessoryAccess & Power Integration enclosure with backplane supports CDVI controllers with/without Altronix Power and accessories for up to eight (8) doors. Dimensions: 18"h x 14.5"w x 4.625"d. Includes Camera lock, tamper switch and mounting hardware.$334.97