Altronix Parts Accessory
Altronix Parts -
Products and parts from Altronix.
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Altronix Parts Accessory Options
Altronix AL1024NKA8 Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, Altronix, Power supply/Charger and VR6 - 24VDC @ 10A max. plus 12VDC @ up to 6A, AC & battery monitoring, ACMS8 - 8 Fuse Outputs, Dual Input Access Power Controller. Encl. 15.5"H x 12.25"H x 4.5"D accomodates up to (2) 12VDC/12AH batteries.$659.74
Altronix TROVE2DM2 AccessoryAltronix Trove2DM2 Kit / TDM2 Backplane Access & Power Integration Solution - Steel, Galvanized Steel$664.03
Altronix ALTV2416CBI220 Power Device16 ISO PTC OUT CCTV Power supply/220 VAC$666.75
Altronix TROVE2AM2 AccessoryAccess & Power Integration enclosure with backplane supports AMAG controllers with/without Altronix Power and accessories for up to twelve (12) doors. Dimensions: 27.25"h x 21.75"w x 6.5"d. Includes Camera lock, tamper switch and mounting hardware.$667.22
Altronix TROVE2SA2 Power DeviceTROVE2 with ALTRONIX/SALTO BKPLNE$673.18
Altronix T1KE34D Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, Altronix, Trove1LU1 - AL600ULXB (6A@12/24VDC) power supply, ACM4CB - 4 PTC Output Access Power Controller. Includes: (5) MM1''S, Camera lock, tamper switch, battery leads and mounting hardware.$675.89
Altronix T1KE34V Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, Altronix, Trove1LU1 - AL600XB220 (6A@12/24VDC) power supply, ACM4 - 4 Fused Output Access Power Controller. Includes: (5) MM1''S, Camera lock, tamper switch, battery leads and mounting hardware.$675.89
Altronix T1KE34 Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, Altronix, Trove1LU1 - AL600ULXB (6A@12/24VDC) power supply, ACM4 - 4 Fused Output Access Power Controller. Includes: (5) MM1''S, Camera lock, tamper switch, battery leads and mounting hardware.$675.89
Altronix T1KE34DV Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, Altronix, Trove1LU1 - AL600XB220 (6A@12/24VDC) power supply, ACM4CB - 4 PTC Output Access Power Controller. Includes: (5) MM1''S, Camera lock, tamper switch, battery leads and mounting hardware.$675.89
Altronix EBRIDGE4PCRXB Products4 port managed IP and PoE rece iver board$678.74
Altronix R1224DC16CBV Power DeviceAltronix R1224DC16CBV Proprietary Power Supply - 220 V AC Input - 1 +12V Rails$679.06
Altronix VERTILINE63TD ProductsAltronix VERTILINE63TD Proprietary Power Supply - Rack-mountable - 110 V AC Input$683.88
Altronix TROVE2SS2 AccessoryAccess & Power Integration enclosure for combinations of S2 controllers with Altronix Power supply/Chargers for up to fourteen (14) doors. Enclosure dimensions 27.25"h x 21.5"w x 6.5"d. Includes TSS2 backplane, Camera lock, tamper switch, nuts, standoffs and short screws.$685.62
Altronix T1MK14D Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, Altronix, 4-Door Altronix/Mercury Access and Power Integration Kit - Trove1M1 with AL400ULXB2, VR6, ACM4CB$688.71
Altronix T1MK14 Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, Altronix, 4-Door Altronix/Mercury Access and Power Integration Kit - Trove1M1 with AL400ULXB2, ACM4, VR6$688.71