
AML KDT3 Data Terminal

Vivid, interactive media for an enhanced experience AML KDT3 - The KDT3 represents the next generation in small form-factor, self-service kiosks from AML. With its powerful architecture, the KDT3 is capable of running full screen video, playing stereo audio, scanning barcodes, and displaying stunning images on its SVGA color display. The KDT3 is the ideal kiosk for retail or commercial applications where the quality of the image and the delivery of the message is paramount. If a picture equals a thousand words, the KDT3 speaks volumes.
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AML KDT3 Data Terminal Model Overview
The KDT3 represents the next generation in small form-factor, self-service kiosks from AML. With its powerful architecture, the KDT3 is capable of running full screen video, playing stereo audio, scanning barcodes, and displaying stunning images on its SVGA color display. The KDT3 is the ideal kiosk for retail or commercial applications where the quality of the image and the delivery of the message is paramount. If a picture equals a thousand words, the KDT3 speaks volumes.