BCI Parts Accessory Model Overview
Products and parts from BCI.
Every task worker without mobile access to relevant information and the rest of your workforce is forced to take more steps and more time to complete tasks, eroding operational efficiency. Now, connecting your disconnected workers is easy with Zebra's WS50 - the world's smallest Android enterprise-class wearable mobile computer. It's rugged, modular and at home everywhere - from manufacturing and warehousing to retail and hospitality. It's versatile - this flexible computing core is modular, allowing you to choose the mount that's right for the job: wrist, back of hand or two-finger. It's small but mighty, packed with powerful business class voice and data features that drive productivity and accuracy into every task. It's lightweight and ergonomic, comfortable and never in the way. And with no host device required, it's the first of its kind, offering powerful data capture with single device simplicity.
virtually any task worker in practically any industry. The WS50 can be worn on a wrist, two fingers or the back of the hand.
Better connect your workforce with push-to-talk (PTT) and task management applications
All models are PTT ready, enabling managers and workers to instantly collaborate for faster issue resolution and increased staff productivity. All models also support task-management applications, enabling better staff utilization and management.
High-resolution camera for light barcode scanning and photo capture
A 13 MP camera in the wrist-mounted model supports occasional barcode scanning and can capture detailed photos to document proof of condition and more.
Advanced enterprise-class scanner for intense barcode scanning
The converged two-finger-and back-of-hand mount WS50 models include Zebra's SE4770 imager, delivering superior data capture performance. Scan virtually any barcode in practically any condition, as fast as you can press the trigger - even if they are damaged or poorly printed. Superior motion tolerance enables the capture of barcodes, even if scanner and barcode are in motion. No need to depress the trigger for every scan - scan continuously with an optional integrated proximity sensor.
True 'no-host' one-piece wearable
With the all-in-one WS50, workers only need to wear one device to capture and access data instead of a host mobile computer and ring scanner, providing a true converged wearable solution. And push-to-talk (PTT) support eliminates the need for separate voice devices.
Wear it your way with modular mounting options
With three different wearing styles, the adaptable WS50 is ideal for A wide field of view makes it easy to capture large or multiple barcodes with split-second point-and-shoot simplicity. With a single trigger press, capture, properly format and transmit data on all barcodes on a label with Zebra's Multi-Code Data Formatting.
Simplify backroom device and battery management - and purchasing - with modular accessories
Choose the charging solution that matches your deployment and device management needs - 2- or 10-slot charge-only cradles; 4- or 20-slot battery chargers, or an Ethernet cradle that supports five devices and five batteries. In mixed model deployments, color-coding allows you to instantly see whether a cradle or charger is for the two-finger and back-of-hand mount converged models - or the wrist-mount models.
The power of Android
This industry-standard mobile operating system provides a future pro