
BCI Placard RFID Tag

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BCI Placard RFID Tag Options

  • BCI GSTB3 Barcode Label
    BCI GSTB3 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 7.875 Standard Blank Container Placard - General Purp., Offers long term indoor durability. Good outdoor application. Excellent washing capabilities - mild detergents. Broad service temperature range for hot and cold environments.. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ASTP2 Barcode Label
    BCI ASTP2 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 6.5 Standard Printed Container Placard - All Purpose, Opaque, white finish. Excellent for high temperature exposures and humidity. Ideal for textured surfaces and performs extremely well on LSE plastics and ,etal surfaces. Adheres flush to surfaces. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI USTP6 Barcode Label
    BCI USTP6 Barcode Label
    8 X 10 Standard Printed Container Placard - Utility, Excellent performance and durability for industrial environments with short term outdoor application. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ESTP4 Barcode Label
    BCI ESTP4 Barcode Label
    10.25 X 14.25 Standard Printed Container Placard - Economy, Offers long term indoor durability. Limited outdoor durability. Limited washing capabilities. Broad service temperature range. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ULTB2 Barcode Label
    BCI ULTB2 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 6.5 Standard Blank Container Placard - Ultra Purpose, Most durable. Rigid and ultra thick for maximum durabilty in extreme environmental conditions. Adheres to difficult surfaces including HDPE. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI GSTP3 Barcode Label
    BCI GSTP3 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 7.875 Standard Printed Container Placard - General Purp., Offers long term indoor durability. Good outdoor application. Excellent washing capabilities - mild detergents. Broad service temperature range for hot and cold environments.. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ULTP2 Barcode Label
    BCI ULTP2 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 6.5 Standard Printed Container Placard - Ultra Purpose, Most durable. Rigid and ultra thick for maximum durabilty in extreme environmental conditions. Adheres to difficult surfaces including HDPE. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ISTB5 Barcode Label
    BCI ISTB5 Barcode Label
    6 X 8 Standard Blank Container Placard - Industrial, Tear and moisture resistant. Performs well on plastic and metal surfaces. Resistant to UV, humidity, and high temperatures. Excellent protection against scratching and abrasion. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ASTB3 Barcode Label
    BCI ASTB3 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 7.875 Standard Blank Container Placard - All Purpose, Opaque, white finish. Excellent for high temperature exposures and humidity. Ideal for textured surfaces and performs extremely well on LSE plastics and ,etal surfaces. Adheres flush to surfaces. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ISTB6 Barcode Label
    BCI ISTB6 Barcode Label
    8 X 10 Standard Blank Container Placard - Industrial, Tear and moisture resistant. Performs well on plastic and metal surfaces. Resistant to UV, humidity, and high temperatures. Excellent protection against scratching and abrasion. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ISTP5 Barcode Label
    BCI ISTP5 Barcode Label
    6 X 8 Standard Printed Container Placard - Industrial, Tear and moisture resistant. Performs well on plastic and metal surfaces. Resistant to UV, humidity, and high temperatures. Excellent protection against scratching and abrasion. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI USTB4 Barcode Label
    BCI USTB4 Barcode Label
    10.25 X 14.25 Standard Blank Container Placard - Utility, Excellent performance and durability for industrial environments with short term outdoor application. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ISTP6 Barcode Label
    BCI ISTP6 Barcode Label
    8 X 10 Standard Printed Container Placard - Industrial, Tear and moisture resistant. Performs well on plastic and metal surfaces. Resistant to UV, humidity, and high temperatures. Excellent protection against scratching and abrasion. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ASTP3 Barcode Label
    BCI ASTP3 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 7.875 Standard Printed Container Placard - All Purpose, Opaque, white finish. Excellent for high temperature exposures and humidity. Ideal for textured surfaces and performs extremely well on LSE plastics and ,etal surfaces. Adheres flush to surfaces. Priced per 100 Placards
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  • BCI ULTB3 Barcode Label
    BCI ULTB3 Barcode Label
    4.5 X 7.875 Standard Blank Container Placard - Ultra Purpose, Most durable. Rigid and ultra thick for maximum durabilty in extreme environmental conditions. Adheres to difficult surfaces including HDPE. Priced per 100 Placards
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