System overview
The DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 family utilizes an energyefficient, embedded design which reduces possiblepoints of failure and boasts Bosch quality through-and-through. Utilizing "enterprise-rated" hard drives in afault tolerant RAID-5 configuration, dual port GigabitEthernet network interface, 8 GB system memory andan Intel Xeon Quad Core Processor, the device delivershigh-end performance at a very affordable price.Easy to install and operate, the system feature swizard-based set-up and centralized configuration. Allcomponents are pre-installed. Simply connect to the network and power the unit up - DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 is ready to begin recording straight out ofthe box.BVMS manages all IP and digital video and audio, plusall the security data being transmitted across your IPnetwork. It seamlessly combines IP cameras and encoders, provides system-wide event and alarm management, system health monitoring, user andpriority management.
DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 2U features highly energy-efficient hot-swap redundant power supplies, as wellas front-swappable SATA-3 hard drives providing up to96 TB of gross storage capacity. All system software ispre-installed. - creating an out-of-the-box ready-to-usevideo management appliance. It utilizes MicrosoftWindows Storage Server 2016.
Instant real time access to video
View high quality HD and even UHD video despite lowor limited bandwidth connections.
Dynamic Transcoding technology ensures you can viewyour video immediately - anytime, anywhere.The built-in transcoder supports up to 4 x UHDresolution video streams in parallel.
Once booted up the system will offer immediateaccess to the BVMS management application via acustomized GUI. The ability to use one central GUI forconfiguration and operation management reducesinstallation and training requirements, and helps keepongoing system management costs low.
Remote viewing
For remote viewing of a single DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 system, BVMS Operator Client is included. Formultiple systems, add them to BVMS Enterprise Management Server.
Alternatively, use Video Security Client for viewingvideo from a separate workstation or mobile device.
IT Management
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2016 provides asimple, intuitive user interface for system configuration and unified appliance management.
Administrators and IT professionals will appreciate theability to manage DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 using thebuilt-in Microsoft System Center Suite. The ability touse one central tool for configuration and operations management reduces installation and trainingrequirements, and helps keep ongoing system management costs low.
In addition, DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 offers advanced monitoring and management options using theIntelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI).