The FLEXIDOME IP starlight 8000i - 4MP X series camera offers a 1/1.8" sensor, starlight X and HDR X technology at 4.1MP resolution. It provides the perfect balance between high resolution and extreme low-light sensitivity with starlight X technology, ensuring highly detailed images even in the most challenging situations. HDR X enables the camera to capture video with a wide dynamic range across different light levels and without motion artefacts on moving objects. Fast moving objects are easily captured with frame rates of up to 60 frames per second at the same 4.1MP resolution. The camera's remote commissioning functionality makes sure installation and commissioning can be done in very little time. Using a PC or a mobile device with the Bosch Project Assistant app, you can pan, tilt, roll and zoom (PTRZ) and point the camera to the required field of view with a single click - without ever having to touch the camera or lens.
Full Remote Commissioning Installing a professional IP video surveillance camera has never been so easy. In fact, as an installer, you'll never want to go back to the old methods of installing cameras again. We've simplified the installation and commissioning stages to such a degree that they can be done in very little time. With the FLEXIDOME IP starlight 8000i camera's remote commissioning functionality there's no need to go up and down ladders. Using a PC or a mobile device with the Bosch Project Assistant app, roll and zoom (PTRZ) and point the camera to the required field of view with a single click - without ever having to touch the camera or lens. Remote configuration and commissioning can also be done at a later stage once all cameras have been installed. Simply connect to the camera remotely via the network using the Bosch Project Assistant app, the camera's web interface, or the Bosch Configuration Manager.
Fast performance The 60 frames per second mode provides for optimum performance in fast action scenes that makes sure no critical data is lost and video is captured with excellent detail.
Starlight X - Next level starlight performance Starlight X technology combines the latest high performance, large pixel sensors, optics, improved image processing and noise suppression, resulting in a 70% improved sensitivity compared to the standard starlight camera.