- Tamper Resistant
- Sunshield

The UHO camera housings are smartly styledenclosures that enable you to use the DINION familyof cameras in an outdoor environment or in areaswhere the cameras need to be protected.Models are available for use with 24 VAC, 120 VAC,and 230 VAC power supplies. Depending on theversion, they can be used with 12 VDC, 24 VAC,120 VAC, and 230 VAC cameras.
Easy installation
The hinged, side-opening design allows easyinstallation of camera/lens combinations, and givesaccess to the controls even when the housing ismounted. Power and video cabling can be routedthrough feed-through fittings or external 4-pin powerand BNC connectors at the rear of the housing. Feed-through entry holes are available in the base of somemodels for even better cable management. Mountingholes in the base can be used to install the housing ona wide range of pan/tilts, adjustable heads, andvarious camera mount brackets.
Temperature regulated
The aluminum-constructed housings have two heaters(one for window defrosting and one for the housinginterior), and an optional blower. The interior heatermaintains the internal temperature of the housing incold temperature conditions to extend the lowertemperature limit to -40 °C (-40 °F). The permanentlypowered window defroster heater and the optionalblower minimize fogging in high humidity locations.Sunshields are included on all models.