Cambium Point-to-Point (PTP) 800 Licensed Ethernet Microwave Solutions can efficiently and affordably transport the data, voice and video that your bandwidthintensive applications require without having to contend with other communicators in your radio-frequency (RF) band.
Within our PTP 800 family of products, we offer two architectures, a split-mount architecture and an all-indoor architecture. In this Specification Sheet, we detail the specifics of our Split-Mount systems. For information on our PTP 800i All Indoor system, refer to the PTP 800i Specification Sheet.
Our PTP 800 Split-Mount systems operate in the 6 to 38 GHz licensed bands, at up to 368 Mbps throughput1 (full duplex), and with user-configured channel bandwidths from 7 to 80 MHz. When deployed, the outdoor radio unit (ODU) and
antenna are mounted on a tower or rooftop and connected via cable to the Compact Modem Unit (CMU) located inside your building or equipment housing unit.
Within the split-mount platform, you can choose between our Standard ODU-A or our High Performance ODU-B. ODU-A is available in 6 to 38 GHz frequencies, while the High Performance ODU-B is available in the 11, 18 and 23 GHz bands. The ODU-B offers higher transmit power, lower power consumption, and lighter weight when compared with the ODU-A. In addition, our NTIA-compliant 7 and 8
GHz models support DoD and non-DoD applications within the U.S. Federal Government.
With upgradeable capacity from 10 Mbps to full capacity via software key, PTP 800 systems offer exceptional cost efficiency and scalability, allowing you to purchase only the capacity you need today and add capacity as your needs
grow. Whether your organization is a carrier, service provider, utility company, municipality, public safety organization, government agency or corporate enterprise, PTP 800 radios will provide you with high-performance, ultra-reliable
connectivity and backhaul.
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Fast Ethernet