
Cherry G80-11908LPMUS-2 Keyboards

The Cherry G80-11908LPMUS-2 Keyboards has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
Cherry G80-11900  -  General Purpose Keyboard (16 Inch, PS/2 Keyboard with TP 104 Position Key Layout)
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Cherry G80-11900 Keyboards Model Overview
Ideal for locations where space is a premium and durability a must, the Cherry G80-11900 features an integrated trackpad and two mouse buttons, saving vital space generally wasted by a mouse. With a 50,000,000 actuation lifespan per key, the G80-11900 is built to last.
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The Cherry G80-11908LPMUS-2 Keyboards is also known as CHE-11908LPMUS-2

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