
CipherLab A1564A2BKUZ01 Barcode Scanner

The CipherLab A1564A2BKUZ01 Barcode Scanner has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
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CipherLab 1564  -  1564A, SCANNER, 3656 BT BASE, US ADAPTER, USB CABLE (FOR US, CA)
Scanner Capability
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CipherLab 1564 Barcode Scanner Model Overview
CipherLab's 1564 scanner offers enhanced data capture to streamline everyday processes in retail, medical, and postal environments. The 1564 is able to read high density 1D barcodes at 3 mil resolution and 2D barcodes. It connects with the communication stand from a Bluetooth range of 90 meters (295 feet) away, enabling workers to get more done in more places. The option of hands-free scanning boosts efficiency, particularly in retail environments. Capable of Bluetooth transmission, the 1564 ensures the capture of critical information anytime, anywhere.
Scanner Capability
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The CipherLab A1564A2BKUZ01 Barcode Scanner is also known as A1564A2BKUZ01

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