
CipherLab AK95A86D6SPG1 Mobile Computer

CipherLab RK95  -  Mobile Computers, CipherLab RK95, Android 9 GMS/AER, IP65, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, Near/Far 2D Imager (4850 Engine) TN3270, 52 Key, 4.3 Display, Camera, 4 GB RAM/64 GB Flash, 6000 mAh With Pistol & USB Snap On Charger
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3-year Premium Plus ($558.00)
3-year Premium ($309.00)
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CipherLab RK95 Mobile Computer Model Overview
CipherLab's RK95, the next generation of the 9700, brings the productivity and efficiency to the next level. Its advanced mobile computing platform and superior wireless options extend performance in the warehouse environment. With the latest Android operating system, the RK95 has fulfilled larger data collection with multiple keypad options and intensive scanning usage with versatile reader options. It not only fulfills traditional users' legacy warehouse applications but also new applications from indoors to outdoors.
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The CipherLab AK95A86D6SPG1 Mobile Computer is also known as AK95A86D6SPG1

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