
Datalogic LaneHawk BOB Barcode Scanner

The Datalogic LaneHawk BOB Barcode Scanner has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
Reduce shrink and rapid ROI Datalogic LaneHawk BOB  -  Already in use by over 1,500 grocery stores across the U.S., the LaneHawk BOB solution provides a practical approach to loss prevention. LaneHawk BOB solves the bottom-of-basket loss problem in a way that other products cannot by including BOB items as part of the transaction. LaneHawk BOB reduces shrink, increases revenue and is designed to pay for itself in less than 12 months. LaneHawk BOB captures transaction data and BOB images to enable thorough reporting on what is going through the checkout lanes under the cart. This reporting allows you to provide an audit trail to deter collusion and "sweethearting" - so you can hold your cashiers accountable and measure your return. LaneHawk BOB also speeds checkout by eliminating time-consuming activities such as manual scans and helps reduce the risk of workplace injuries because cashiers no longer have to lift awkward or heavy BOB items.
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