
Datalogic 950801340 Sensor

The Datalogic 950801340 Sensor has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
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Datalogic S8 IO-Link  -  Industrial Compact Sensor, Datalogic S8 IO-Link, Contrast LED, Metal Housing, Radial Optic, PNP Output, NO/NC Operating Mode, M8 Connector, Also known as S8-MR-5-W03-PP
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Datalogic S8 IO-Link Sensor Model Overview
The S8 IO-Link Sensor by Datalogic is a compact sensor able to solve difficult applications such as detecting objects which are too small, too fast, too clear, or too shiny using state-of-the-art IO-Link communications. This extends the sensor line with the new retro-reflex polarized laser coaxial optic which is very fast and reliable while providing high performance retro-reflex polarized for transparent objects, a high-resolution contrast reader and a luminescence sensor. The S8 offers a very high resolution laser, which will help streamline your operation's processes. The ideal applications for the S8 are beverage/food/cosmetics/pharmaceutical industries, processing and packaging machinery, and electronics assembling.
S8 IO-Link
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