
Datalogic 951451000 Products

Datalogic S300 PA  -  S300-Pr-2-B01-Oc RRX Pol Terminal Block Dc. Priced per unit. 2 week lead time.
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Datalogic S300 Sensor Model Overview
The Datalogic S300 PA series of advanced MAXI photoelectric sensors represents the most suitable solution for standard applications, thanks to its excellent cost/performance ratio. The new S300 PA series offers a wide range of models and functions in order to guarantee easy use and installation. The S300 PA presents 5 different models with a through beam optical function up to 50m, retroreflex up to 15m, polarized retroreflex up to 10m, diffused proximity at 2m and background suppression at 2m. All the S300 PA models are available both Vdc from 12 to 30V and Vac/Vdc free-voltage from 24 to 240V versions. This sensor has an IP67 rating and is easy to use and install.
S300 PA
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