
Elo I-Series for Android 10 Inch AiO Touchscreen

The Elo I-Series for Android 10 Inch AiO Touchscreen has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
I-Series for Android All in One Touchscreen Signage Elo I-Series for Android 10 Inch AiO - The Elo I-Series for Android combines a commercial grade touchscreen with a powerful processor to deliver a responsive AiO computer in a compact size. It delivers a consistent experience instantly with the EloView software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that includes OS management (including remote and silent updates), kiosk lock-down, automatic provisioning, and device management. You can customize multiple points of interaction with your I-Series touchscreen through Bluetooth/BLE, near field communication (NFC/RFID), mag stripe reader (MSR), barcode reader. Or add a stand and a customer facing display to create a seamless point of sale system.
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Elo I-Series for Android 10 Inch AiO Touchscreen Model Overview
The Elo I-Series for Android combines a commercial grade touchscreen with a powerful processor to deliver a responsive AiO computer in a compact size. It delivers a consistent experience instantly with the EloView software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that includes OS management (including remote and silent updates), kiosk lock-down, automatic provisioning, and device management. You can customize multiple points of interaction with your I-Series touchscreen through Bluetooth/BLE, near field communication (NFC/RFID), mag stripe reader (MSR), barcode reader. Or add a stand and a customer facing display to create a seamless point of sale system.