
Epson DM-M820 Monitor

Epson DM-D70 Customer Display A newer version of this item is available.
It is replaced by the Epson DM-D70 Customer Display.
The DM-M820 LCD Monitor delivers a crisp, high resolution for text and graphics Epson DM-M820 - The Epson DM-M820 LCD monitor is a compact, affordable flat panel display that is the perfect choice for counters with limited space. With a 12.1" diagonal flat panel, this sleek display offers clear, extra wide-angle viewing. Plus, its LCD technology with flicker-free images reduces eye strain compared to traditional CRTs.
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Discontinued See Replacement
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Epson DM-M820 Monitor Model Overview
The Epson DM-M820 LCD monitor is a compact, affordable flat panel display that is the perfect choice for counters with limited space. With a 12.1" diagonal flat panel, this sleek display offers clear, extra wide-angle viewing. Plus, its LCD technology with flicker-free images reduces eye strain compared to traditional CRTs.