HID HDP5000 ID Card Printer
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HID HDP5000 ID Card Printer Options
Fargo 82618 Laminate and FilmFargo Holographic Orbit Thermal Overlam 500 ct. HDP5000/DTC4500$179.00
Fargo 84054 Laminate and FilmHDP Holographic Film, High Secure Orbit Design Universal Orientation 500 images. A Fargo Reverse Transfer printer is required to use the film. The Orbit design provides an added layer of security to your card. Compatible with HDP5000 ID Card printer$538.00
Fargo 89001 AccessoryDual Sided Printing Module (for the HDP5000)$1,447.68
Fargo 89205 AccessorySingle Sided Prox and Contact Encoder$1,380.08
Fargo 89204 AccessoryDuplex Prox & Contact Encoder$1,380.08
HID D910131-01 AccessoryHDP5000, Accessory, Front Cover for HDP5000
Fargo 89201 AccessoryFargo HDP5000 Magnetic Stripe Encoder
Fargo 89202 AccessoryFargo 13.56MHz Smart Card Encoder for Dual-Sided HDP5000
Fargo 89203 AccessorySimplex Contact & Contactless Encoder
Fargo 41604 HolderClear Vinyl Pouches (100 Count - Horizontal CR-80 Card Size)
Fargo D855170 AccessoryAssembly Roller Clean Cart
Fargo 88900 AccessoryHDP5000 Single Side Lamination Module, Pre 2013 Model
Fargo 88902 AccessoryDual Sided Simultaneous Laminator Module (for the HDP5000)
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