
HID OMNIKEY 8751 e-Health LAN Smart Card Reader

The HID OMNIKEY 8751 e-Health LAN Smart Card Reader has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
Flexible and secure terminal for reading German health care cards (eGK). HID OMNIKEY 8751 e-Health LAN  -  The HID OMNIKEY 8751 e-Health LAN terminal meets all current and upcoming requirements for the German health care infrastructure, including a ready-to-enable contactless RFID interface for comfort signatures built-in! The OMNIKEY 8751 e-Health LAN terminal works now and in the future. Operates in offline mode. With the so-called Konnektor, there is a simple and secure firmware upgrade in the field -- no future cost for firmware upgrades or unit transport to move to online mode. Experience simple operation (MKT / BCS) on an existing serial interface or via LAN with multiple computers per the OMNIKEY 8751 e-Health LAN terminal's CT-API LAN tunnel. Enjoy simple remote administration through an integrated web interface.
Full specifications (PDF)
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