
HID 4011500 Accessory

  • High capacity and performance smart card to support credentials for the most demanding applications (PKI digital certificates-based authentication, digital signature and encryption services, and one-time password authentication services).
  • Secure physical access control: Supports HID's Elite Program that extends iCLASS® and MIFARE® security by providing unique keys for each application. Also support SE-Elite program for SIO.
  • Versatile solution that is interoperable with HID's ActivClient®, ActivIdentity naviGO™ and 4TRESS®.
  • Available in small quantities (pack of 25 cards with single or multi-technology combinations for physical access control).
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HID Parts Accessory Model Overview
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HID 4011500 Accessory Overview

Higher security - Encryption and data signing protects data-at-rest and enables trusted secure communications.
Supports Secure Identity Object™ (SIO) - For multi-layered security of identity data beyond the device technology.
Scalable - Pre-personalized cards streamline deployments with a range of logical access applications.
Cost effective - Single card for logical and physical access control.
PKI-based two-factor authentication - For secure desktop login and remote access.
Versatile - Available with multiple physical access technologies a single card (HID

Crescendo is a family of credit card-sized smart cards designed to provide versatile and secure logical and physical access control. Crescendo leverages the state-of- the-art smart card platform technology to deliver a standards-based solution for strong authentication and data protection. The smart cards also address evolving market needs by offering superior performance and security.

Crescendo C1150 smart cards provide endusers with one smart card for accessinglogical and physical resources, eliminatingthe need to carry multiple credentials orremember multiple passwords or PINs. Forlogical access, the cards can be used forsecure login to workstations and laptops,as well as web-based applications.

The cards support strong authenticationfor VPN access as an alternative to onetime password (OTP) tokens. They alsosupport cloud-based applications whendeployed with HID's ActivID® 4TRESS®. C1150smart cards provide document and emaildigital signature services and can be usedto protect critical data during transmissionbetween trusted parties or for data at-rest(e.g. encrypt files, emails or hard drives).

The C1150 is available as a hybrid card with a contact chip and one or several RFID chips for physical access. The smart cards leverage world-class contact chip technology that includes a high output co-processor to deliver maximum performance for cryptographic operations.

As a "ready-to-use" solution, the cards come preloaded to work with a variety of applications available on the market. The Crescendo C1150 portfolio is interoperable with the Microsoft-approved mini driver, delivering broad support for Microsoft's Enterprise products. The scalability of the cards allows them to be deployed in standalone mode (without a card management system) or with any mini driver-compliant application.

The cards leverage HID's ActivIdentity Applet Framework for JavaCard. This digital identity assurance applet offers secure storage and protection for passwords, digital identity credentials, cryptographic functions, personal information and network access. The applet framework is proven technology deployed in over two million active smart cards.
Product Information
RF Proximity Card
Media Type:
Smart Card/Tag Width:
Smart Card/Tag Length:
Smart Card/Tag Thickness:
33.1 mil
Operating Frequency:
125 kHz
Access Control
  • Programmable
  • Flexible
Memory Size:
80 KB
Memory Type:
Physical Characteristics
Product Color:
  • Blue
  • White
  • Gold
Product Material:
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
PC/SC Compliant Reader
Limited Warranty:
5 Year
Item Numbers
UNSPSC: 55121802
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The HID 4011500 Accessory is also known as HID-4011500 or 4011500.

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