
Honeywell IH21 RFID Reader

The Honeywell IH21 RFID Reader has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
Lightweight, Ergonomic, and Rugged RFID Reader Honeywell IH21 - The Honeywell IH21 handheld RFID reader, when paired with a Honeywell handheld computer, is designed to provide best-in-class performance for reading large numbers of RFID tags quickly and accurately. The IH21 was built with an advanced antenna design that allows it to read tags positioned in front of the antenna with a high degree of accuracy. With an improved RFID reader module, the reader is able to connect to a mobile computer via USB or Bluetooth. Compatible with the Dolphin 75e, Dolphin CT40, or ScanPal EDA50 mobile computers.
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Honeywell IH21 RFID Reader Options

  • Honeywell IH21A0014 RFID Reader
    Honeywell IH21A0014 RFID Reader
    The IH21 Bluetooth RFID Reader with e-Pop-Loq, UHF (FCC) Antenna, Trigger Handle, Battery, Battery Cover, no barcode imager, red and black. Active ePop-Loq case / mount sold separately. (Active ePop-Loq case for Honeywell CT50/CT60 = (Part# IH21-EPL-CT50), Active ePop-Loq case for Honeywell D75e = (Part# IH21-EPL-D75E))