
Honeywell VM1 Thor Accessory

Honeywell VM1A Data Terminal A newer version of this item is available.
It is replaced by the Honeywell VM1A Data Terminal.
Rugged Full-Screen Vehicle-Mount Computer Honeywell VM1 Thor - The Honeywell VM1 Thor is intuitively designed to match the way you work, with features like the Quick Mount Smart Dock that allow one-handed docking and undocking, or the field-replaceable keyboard and touchscreen that swap out in seconds. When you're on the job, VM1 Thor works overtime, with a fast 1.6GHz Atom Z530 processor, WWAN, WLAN and Bluetooth connectivity plus a Windows CE 6.0 or Windows Embedded Standard OS. All that computing power comes optimized for industrial environments with custom-made features like our patent-pending ignition control.
Full specifications (PDF)
Discontinued See Replacement
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