Intermec PB42 Portable Barcode Printer
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Intermec PB42 Portable Barcode Printer Options
Honeywell 825-170-002 Carrying and Protective AccessoriesCase (ROHS) for the PB42 Portable PrinterIn Stock$334.89
Honeywell 203-895-001 AccessoryPB2X/3X CART MOUNT$109.15
Honeywell 203-894-001 AccessoryProtective Case, Compatible with PB2X$164.00
Honeywell 236-065-001 AccessoryCable, Vehicle Power RoHS (Split (Y) Power Cable from Trck battery Cable (206-875-xxx) to PB42 (or PB42 Vehicle Cradle), CK60 or CN3/CN4 series Vehicle Dock)$273.54
Honeywell 075172-001 AccessoryBrackets (Pair, Media) for the PB42
Honeywell 74964 AccessoryBelt Clip, PB42
Honeywell 074788-003 AccessoryShoulder Strap, Requires Hand Strap (Part # 074789), Compatible with PW50, PB42, PB2X, PB3X, PB5X Mobile Printers, Replaces Part # 074788-002.
Intermec 74866 Accessory12V Auto Adapter, Connects to Cigarrete Lighter, Compatible with PB42/2X/3X/5X/PW50
Honeywell 203-893-001 AccessoryPB3x Protective Case
Honeywell 225-721-001 AccessoryVehicle Dock,PB42 W/O RAM RoHS
Honeywell 225-708-001 AccessoryVehicle Dock (with RAM, ROHS) for the PB42
Honeywell 270-049-003 AccessoryKit, Quad Charger,PB42 RoHS,w /LVL V PS. Interface Cables And Charging Cradle Sold Separately.
Intermec 074787-001 ProductsDOOR,BATTERY,PB42