
IPCMobile LP5-N2DBTE-POD5 Barcode Scanner

The IPCMobile LP5-N2DBTE-POD5 Barcode Scanner has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
IPCMobile Linea Pro 5  -  Barcode Scanners, IPCMobile Linea Pro 5 Linea Pro 5, 2D High-Speed Imager, EM3070 Newland Scanner, Encryption Capable MSR, 3-Track Bi-Directional Reading Capabilities, 1 Scanning Button, 4 LEDs for Battery Status, Bluetooth, USB Interface, Compatible with iPod 5th, 6th and 7th Gen, Connect through Apple's Lightning Connector.
Form Factor
Phone/Tablet Sled
Scanner Capability
Scanner Type
CCD, Imager
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IPCMobile Linea Pro 5 Barcode Scanner Model Overview
Designed for the Apple iPod Touch and iPhone, the Linea Pro is a combination barcode scanner, RFID reader and magnetic card swipe reader that connects through Apple?s new Lightning Connector allowing for direct communication. The Linea Pro consolidates all of the processes necessary to running your business. Intranet, Internet and phone connectivity combine with magnetic stripe and barcode readers for one complete, concise, time-saving corporate communications center. In all of 244 grams.
Linea Pro 5
Scanner Type
CCD, Imager
Scanner Capability
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