Juniper Software Software
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Juniper Software Software Options
Juniper Networks CCPE-CSOC-25K-1 SoftwareAnnual Subscription License of 25K Simple VNFs Consisting of 2 VMs each for CSO, Includes Orchestrator, Designer, VNF Manager Self Care/Admin Portal, Site & Service Manager, Monitoring. Includes Annual Support
Juniper Networks JSA-RMAD5KSRC SoftwareJSA Risk Manager 5000 Source Increase SW License
Juniper Networks JAPAW-1M SoftwareJunos App Aware. Additional 1,000,000 subscribers license. This product classifies traffic to identify various applications (VoIP, P2P, etc.) which match a signature database.
Juniper Networks CCPE-CSOC-25K SoftwarePerpetual License of 25K Simple VNFs Consisting of 2 VMs each for CSO, Includes Orchestrator, Designer, VNF Manager Self Care/AdminPortal, Site & Service Manager, Monitoring.
Juniper Networks CNTR-SITE-1 SoftwareAnnual Site license for Contrail Networking component
Juniper Networks CCPE-MANO-25K-1 SoftwareAnnual Cloud CPE MANO Subscription License for 25K Simple VNFs Consisting of 2 VMs each for Contrail Service Orchestration and Contrail Cloud Platform (1 x CNTR-OPSTK-100-1). Includes Annual support
Juniper Networks JNA-MPLS-100-1Y-R SoftwareJSA-NetReflex MPLS 100K-100nodes 1YRENEW Subscription Renewal; SUPPORT INCLUDED; NO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS; This SW is installed on its own general purpose server HW; Nodes & flows/sec are used to determine final price
Juniper Networks JNA-NET-100-1Y-R SoftwareJSA-NetReflex 100KFlows-100nodes 1YRENEW Subscription Renewal; SUPPORT INCLUDED; NO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS; This SW is installed on its own general purpose server HW; Nodes & flows/sec are used to determine final price
Juniper Networks JNA-MPLS-100-1Y SoftwareJSA-NetReflex MPLS 100K-100nodes 1Y Subscription; SUPPORT INCLUDED; NO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS; This SW is installed on its own general purpose server HW; Nodes & flows/sec are used to determine final price
Juniper Networks CCPE-MANO-50K-1 SoftwareAnnual Cloud CPE MANO Subscription License for 50K Simple VNFs Consisting of 2 VMs each for Contrail Service Orchestration and Contrail Cloud Platform (1 x CNTR-OPSTK-100-1). Includes Annual support
Juniper CNTR-OPSTK-1K-1-R SoftwareContrail Openstack Software Package, including Contrail Networking Component & Orchestration System for 1K Sockets Renewal
Juniper J2320-S2-AS-R SoftwareOne year renewal subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-Spam for J2320
Juniper J2350-K-AV-R SoftwareOne year RENEWAL subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky AV updates on J2350
Juniper J2350-W-WF-R SoftwareOne year renewal subscription for Juniper-Websense Integrated Web Filtering for J2350
Juniper J4350-IDP-R SoftwareOne year RENEWAL subscription for IDP updates on J4350