Juniper Software Software
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Juniper Software Software Options
Juniper J4350-W-WF-R SoftwareOne year renewal subscription for Juniper-Websense Integrated Web Filtering for J4350
Juniper J6350-S2-AS-R SoftwareOne year renewal subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-Spam for J6350
Juniper J6350-SMB2-CS-R SoftwareOne year renewal security subscription for Enterprise - includes Kaspersky AV, WF, Sophos AS and IDP - on J6350
Juniper JMF-ACT-U SoftwareMedia Flow Activate for unlimited Media Flow Devices
Juniper JUNOS-LTD-BB SoftwareJUNOS 64-Bit Base Bundle for EACU Zone
Juniper JUS-ANNUAL-PLAN-100-R SoftwareRenewal for Junosphere capacity of 100 VM units and unlimited connectors per day for 1 year (with 2000 VM unit overflow capacity)
Juniper JUS-ANNUAL-PLAN-50-R SoftwareRenewal for Junosphere capacity of 50 VM units and unlimited connectors per day for 1 year (with 1000 VM unit overflow capacity)
Juniper JV-CNTR-100-1-R SoftwareJSA - Contrail 100 Sockets Base 1Y RENEW Subscription Renewal; SUPPORT INCLUDED; NO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS; Minimum & incremental purchase qty is 100
Juniper JV-CNTR-1K-1-R SoftwareJSA - Contrail 1K Sockets Base 1Y RENEW Subscription Renewal; SUPPORT INCLUDED; NO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS; Minimum & incremental purchase qty is 100
Juniper JWEB-10-LTU SoftwareLicense to run J-Web on up to 10 M/T Routers (excluding M5, M7i, M10, M10i). Software License Agreement document only.
Juniper LN-APPSEC-3 Software3 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for LN-Series
Juniper LN-APPSEC-3-R Software3 year Subscription renewal for Application Security and IPS updates for LN-Series
Juniper LN-IDP-2 Software2 Year Subscription for IDP Updates for LN-Series
Juniper LN-IDP-2-R Software2 Year Subscription renewal for IDP Updates for LN-Series
Juniper LN-SMB4-CS SoftwareOne year security subscription for Enterprise - includes Kaspersky AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS , and IDP on LN Series products.