Juniper Software Software
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Juniper Software Software Options
Juniper NS-K-AVS-SSG5-R SoftwareSubscription renewal for Juniper-Kaspersky AV updates on SSG5
Juniper NS-SMB2-CS-SSG350-R SoftwareONE YEAR Subscription RENEWAL for Remote/Branch office - includes AV, DI, WF & Sophos Anti-Spam on SSG 350M
Juniper NS-SPAM2-ISG2000-3-R SoftwareThree year renewal subscription for Sophos Anti-Spam updates on ISG2000
Juniper NS-SPAM2-SSG20-3-R SoftwareThree year renewal subscription for Sophos Anti-Spam updates on SSG20
Juniper NS-SPAM2-SSG350-R SoftwareONE YEAR Subscription RENEWAL for Sophos Anti-Spam updates on SSG 350M
Juniper NS-RBO-CS-SSG140-2-R SoftwareTwo-year RENEWAL security subscription for Remote/Branch office, includes AV, DI & WF on SSG140
Juniper NS-K-AVS-SSG550-2-R SoftwareTwo year renewal subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky AV updates on SSG550M
Juniper NS-WF-ISG1000-R SoftwareSubscription renewal for Web Filtering on ISG1000
Juniper NS-WF-ISG2000-2-R SoftwareTwo-year RENEWAL subscription for Web Filtering on ISG2000
Juniper NS-WF-SSG320-2-R SoftwareTwo year subscription renewal for Web Filtering on SSG320M
Juniper NS-SPAM2-SSG520-2-R SoftwareTwo year renewal subscription for Sophos Anti-Spam updates on SSG520M
Juniper NS-SPAM2-SSG550-3-R SoftwareThree year renewal subscription for Sophos Anti-Spam updates on SSG550M
Juniper S-ACCT-25M-UPG SoftwareUpgrade, 25 Million Flows for MX-Series Routers, Requires MS-DPC
Juniper S-DSA-100K-1Y SoftwareLicense for 1 Year Includes Dynamic Subscriber Awareness and the ability to selectively apply services (opt in/out) for 100K Subscribers or active IP address
Juniper S-MPLSV-P-500-L SoftwareWANDL IP/MPLSView: Feature Premium Package (Up to 500 Nodes, 4 Admin Users & 20 Concurrent Viewers)