Juniper Software Software
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Juniper Software Software Options
Juniper SBR-CAR-CWM-LAB SoftwareSBR Carrier AAA Optional Concurrency & Wholesale Module (License Key Only): LAB LICENSE
Juniper SBR-CAR-DIA-LAB SoftwareSBR Carrier - Diameter Module - One per server (license only) ; LAB LICENSE
Juniper SRC-COA-LIC SoftwareSRC CoA Engine License for 3rd Party Support, Based on IMS AAA. One License Required per Server (Solaris)
Juniper SRC-CXKSG-LIC SoftwareSRC SOAP Gateway license for use with SRC software, One per instance running SOAP GW
Juniper SRC-PE1000KU-LIC SoftwareSRC-PE Lifetime License for 1,000,000 Concurrent User Sessions
Juniper SRX100-APPSEC-A-5 Software5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX100
Juniper SRX1400-S-AS-5-R SoftwareFive year Subscription Renewal for Juniper-Sophos Anti-spam service on SRX1400
Juniper SRX1400-W-EWF-1-R SoftwareOne year Subscription Renewal for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering service on SRX1400
Juniper SRX1XX-K-AV-3-R SoftwareThree year renewal subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky AV updates on SRX1xx
Juniper SRX1XX-S-SMB4-CS-3-R SoftwareThree year renewal security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX1XX
Juniper SRX1XX-S2-AS-3-R SoftwareThree year renewal subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-Spam updates on SRX 1xx Series
Juniper SRX210-S-AV-5-R SoftwareFive year renewal subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV updates on SRX 210
Juniper SRX220-S-SMB4-CS-5-R SoftwareFive year renewal security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 220
Juniper SRX220-SMB4-CS-5 SoftwareFive year security subscription for Enterprise - includes Kaspersky AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 220
Juniper SRX220-W-WF-R SoftwareOne year renewal subscription for Juniper-Websense Web Filtering updates on SRX 220