Juniper Software Software
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Juniper Software Software Options
Juniper S-SA-4K SoftwareSubscriber Access Feature Pack License Scaling Limit to 4K Subscribers, MX seriesIn Stock$4,987.83
Juniper VMX-PRM-10G-1YR Software10G 1 Year Subscription. Includes all Features in BASE (L2/L2.5, L3, EVPN, VXLAN) and Full Scale L3VPN Features.In Stock$5,533.03
Juniper VJSA-LMAIOHA SoftwareVirtual JSA Log Management All-In-One SW Failover Feature LicenseIn Stock$5,635.60
Juniper S-VRR-R-15-1-S SoftwareRight to install an instance of 15.1 or lower relese version vRR in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients. (redun dant mode is driven by configuration.) - All address families supported. - Max 2 million total RIB routesIn Stock$5,829.92
Juniper VSRX-4G-ASECB-1 Software4G Throughput, 1 year Subscription License for vSRX Application security package - Includes features in standard (STD) license, IPSand Appsecure.In Stock$5,837.78
Juniper QFX10K-C1-JFS-1 SoftwareJunos Fusion license on QFX10K to enable 1 SD of QFX5100-48SH or QFX5100-48TIn Stock$5,905.49
Juniper VSRX-4G-ASCB-1-AWS SoftwareUpto 4G Throughput, 1 year Subscription License for vSRX on AWS Application security package - Includes features in standard (STD) package, IPS and Appsecure.In Stock$5,937.89
Juniper VSRX-1G-ASECB-3 Software1G Throughput, 3 year Subscription License for vSRX Application security package - Includes features in standard (STD) package, IPSand Appsecure.In Stock$6,026.11
Juniper S-FW-NPU SoftwareSoftware icense allows the end user to run stateful firewall on one NPU per MS-MIC, MS-DPC or MS-MPC in the MX-series routers.In Stock$6,121.42
Juniper CCPE-CSOC-25 SoftwarePerpetual License of 25 Simple VNFs Consisting of 2 VMs each for CSO, Includes Orchestrator, Designer, VNF Manager Self Care/Admin Portal, Site & Service Manager, Monitoring.In Stock$6,207.78