Additional Information:
Prebate supplies are now called Lexmark Return Program cartridges. Details of the license program remain the same. Only the name has changed. For a period of time, when you order a Return Program cartridge, you may receive a Prebate cartridge. We appreciate your patience during this transition. Lexmark Return Program Cartridges are sold at a discount versus the prices of regular cartridges in exchange for the customer's agreement to use the cartridge only once and return it only to Lexmark for remanufacturing or recycling. Regular cartridges without this license/agreement sold at regular prices are also available. Regular cartridges are also recyclable at no cost through Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program.
Device Supported:
Environmental Certification:
Design for the Environment (DfE)
Additional Warranty Information:
Lexmark warrants that on the date of original purchase this product will be free from defects in material or workmanship. If, during the warranty period, this product is found to be defective in material or workmanship, it will be exchanged, or repaired at Lexmark's option, with no additional charge. Warranty service does not include repair, or exchange when the problem results from accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, non-Lexmark modification (including refilling or remanufacturing), improper storage, malfunctioning equipment or normal wear and tear. Character or page yield is also not covered by warranty service, as it is influenced by customer application, printer contrast settings, operating environment, printer condition and paper type.
To obtain warranty service you must, during the Warranty Period, return the Product, along with the proof of original purchase, to the place of original purchase. If it was purchased directly from Lexmark, you must return it to Lexmark to obtain warranty service. You must insure it or bear the risk of loss or damage in transit, prepay the shipping charges, and use the original shipping container or equivalent. Lexmark will pay return shipping charges within the United States and Puerto Rico.
* Lifetime warranty does not apply to cartridges which have been refilled or to those which are simply empty as a result of normal use.
0734646222020, 0999564650557
734646222020, 999564650557
0734646222020, 0999564650557