- Software Maintenance
- Phone Support

NiceLabel LMS Enterprise
Maximize Print Productivity by Managing Your Entire Labeling Process with Loftware NiceLabel.
Label Design
Quickly design labels with an intuitive, modern interface that feels familiar, like Microsoft Word.
Create and use universal label templates that are adaptable and portable across different platforms.
Utilize smart templates that automatically adjust with dynamic data, making your labeling process more flexible and efficient.
Supply Chain Document Design and Printing
Easily design and print a wide range of supply chain documents, including Delivery Notes, Pick Lists, Packing Slips, and Invoices.
Centralize all document storage to improve control and visibility, streamline label consolidation, and enhance collaboration.
Integration and System Features
Built on a next-generation platform, extensively configurable without the need for coding.
Enjoy quick deployment and hassle-free support, ensuring your system is always up and running.
Designed for high-reliability and scalability, perfect for mission-critical printing operations.
Experience ultra-fast printing with a next-generation print engine that has been proven in various market applications.
Loftware NiceLabel simplifies and enhances your labeling process, enabling you to achieve greater efficiency, control, and productivity in your print operations.
Avoid unplanned downtime and ensure you have access to NiceLabel experts
The NiceLabel Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) offers enhanced support and free software upgrades to NiceLabel customers. There are two levels of SMA support designed for customers of any size, and in any geographic location. Regardless of level, the NiceLabel SMA ensures that you have:
- Priority access to NiceLabel technical experts who will work with you to quickly address issues and minimize interruptions to your business
- Free software upgrades; ensuring that you have the latest technology at your fingertips and lower your total cost of ownership