
Motorola MC18 Mobile Computer

Zebra PS20 Mobile Computer A newer version of this item is available.
It is replaced by the Zebra PS20 Mobile Computer.
Revolutionize the Shopping Experience for Retail Customers Motorola MC18 - The MC18 personal shopper is an intuitive, easy-to-use mobile computer that enhances the customer experience by creating shorter lines at checkout and moving customers more quickly through their shopping trip. With the MC18, retailers can market electronically to the customer at the point of decision—in the store aisle—by gathering the customer's purchasing behavior to deliver targeted coupons and suggestions for complementary items to the portable shopping device, while driving additional spending and perceived added value. This next generation self-service mobile computing solution enables shoppers to scan their own items, pack items as they shop and check out without a queue. For the retailer, it enhances customer loyalty, delivers better customer service and increases revenue and cost savings.
Full specifications (PDF)
Discontinued See Replacement
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Motorola MC18 Mobile Computer Model Overview
The MC18 personal shopper is an intuitive, easy-to-use mobile computer that enhances the customer experience by creating shorter lines at checkout and moving customers more quickly through their shopping trip. With the MC18, retailers can market electronically to the customer at the point of decision—in the store aisle—by gathering the customer's purchasing behavior to deliver targeted coupons and suggestions for complementary items to the portable shopping device, while driving additional spending and perceived added value. This next generation self-service mobile computing solution enables shoppers to scan their own items, pack items as they shop and check out without a queue. For the retailer, it enhances customer loyalty, delivers better customer service and increases revenue and cost savings.