

NEC  -  NEC Spectraview - Data Analysis/Reporting - PC, Mac
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NEC SVIISOFT Accessory Overview

SAS/Spectraview software, the SAS System's data visualization and analysis tool, allows you to create, analyze, and modify geometric images representing multidimensional data. This software is useful for a variety of applications, including medical imaging, oil exploration, environmental sciences, chemical analysis, pharmaceutical studies, financial analysis, and more.

Product Information
Software Main Type:
Productivity Application
Software Sub Type:
Data Analysis/Reporting
Software Name:

Interactive Data Analysis:

  • SAS/Spectraview software is designed to be completely interactive. By simply pointing and clicking a mouse, you can select SAS data libraries, open SAS data sets, and select data set variables and other analysis components. There is no special syntax or code to learn or write.

Data Modeling:

  • SAS/Spectraview software is designed to provide maximum flexibility in creating visual data models. You can choose from several data models, including three-dimensional volumes with cut-away capabilities, isometric surfaces, two- and three-dimensional charts, stacked contours, cutting planes, and many others. Each of these models may be rotated and scaled as required for analysis.

Modifying Models:

  • SAS/Spectraview software allows you to further enhance data analysis through a wide variety of attributes. For example, you can change model colors, add text and legends to the view, move and scale text, modify axis attributes such as tick marks and labels, and more. And with SAS/SPECTRAVIEW software, all attributes are changed interactively.
Platform Supported:
  • PC
  • Mac
Item Numbers
UNSPSC: 43232305
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The NEC SVIISOFT Accessory is also known as SVIISOFT

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