Presenting the Mobile Warehouse from BarcodesInc and Motorola
In a fast-paced warehouse, visibility is everything. The more you can see across the enterprise, the more efficient your operation.
The key to enterprise-wide visibility lies in mobility.
In a mobile warehouse, everything and everyone moves seamlessly. By arming your workforce with cutting-edge wireless data management technology, inventory visibility and control is improved, everyone is connected with two-way voice and email, various manual tasks are automated, and overall productivity soars.
And that’s just the beginning.
In a mobile warehouse, the likelihood for human error is lower, floor personnel and office management can communicate in real-time, and repetitive, labor-intensive tasks like picking, put-away and receiving are completed in a fraction of the time. That’s because things like duplicate data-entry, manual checks and double checks, not to mention input errors, are completely eliminated.
And the benefits of mobility extend well beyond the four walls of your warehouse. With mobile computers and scanners, materials in transit are visible, goods on the dock or in the yard are kept moving, and assets can be tracked right from your warehouse floor.
In short, with a mobile warehouse solution from Motorola, all the bases are covered, with products designed to perform bar code scanning, image capture, RFID, voice communication and email. And it all works seamlessly with your Warehouse Management System.
It’s an intelligent way to keep warehouse productivity up and costs down.
And it’s just another way BarcodesInc and Motorola put Enterprise Mobility in the palm of your hand.
Mobile Healthcare: A prescription for error-proofing and increased productivity in the hospital
Applying mobility to improve patient safety and address staffing shortages
Mobility gives your healthcare workers the gift of time — time they can utilize to deliver higher quality patient care.
The Global Healthcare Dilemma
Hospitals all over the world are faced with a major issue — how to reduce the errors that take place every day — errors that are measured not just in dollars, but also in harm to patients. The problem is already sizable — the institute of medicine reported in a recent study that medication errors alone cause sickness, injury or death to at least 1.5 million patients in the U.S., at a conservative cost of $3.5 billion each year. And due to a combination of factors, the problem is growing at an alarming rate. Advancements in medicine are helping people live longer, resulting in a rapidly growing aging population — during the next 25 years, the over-65 population will increase five times faster than the under-65 segment, and over-85 is the fastest growing demographic. And as this aging population grows and places increased demands on the world’s healthcare systems, a worldwide nursing shortage has reached crisis proportions. due to an aging nursing workforce and fewer people choosing nursing as a career, 69 nations in every corner of the world are experiencing a shortage that affects the quality of healthcare, with a shortage of one million nurses in the U.S. alone predicted by the year 2020.
Understaffed nursing levels are already blamed for nearly one fourth of unanticipated events in hospitals that resulted in death, injury or permanent loss of function. How can today’s hospitals reduce errors when the current nursing shortage requires fewer nurses to cover more patients in less time? And what can hospitals do today to prepare for the impending increase in the nursing shortage in a world that will require more nursing services than ever?
RX: Mobility
Motorola offers powerful enterprise mobility solutions that place all the tools healthcare workers need in the literal palms of their hands — tools that not only provide the double and triple checks necessary to dramatically reduce errors, but also significantly improve productivity by eliminating manual paper-and-pen based, error-laden processes. Mobility arms healthcare workers with handheld mobile computers enabled with best-in-class partner applications and a wireless anywhere anytime connection to the hospital’s computer network. As a result, hospitals can dramatically improve the accuracy and efficiency of every day tasks — from medication administration and specimen collection to patient monitoring, medical rounds and more.
Honeywell’s Dolphin 9951 mobile computer incorporates long-range laser scanning
The Honeywell Dolphin 9951 incorporates all of the field-proven features of the Dolphin 9950, with the addition of three long-range barcode scanner options that provide scanning functions from five up to 30 feet. Designed for scan-intensive applications, the Dolphin 9951 is ideal for retail, warehousing, distribution and supply chain environments where palettes or other coded inventory are located far away. An integrated pistol grip facilitates comfortable single-handed scanning while full-shift power management ensures uninterrupted use for 10 hours or more. These features combine to provide the optimal combination of durability and usability. The Dolphin lifecycle model supports intuitive migration from the 9551 to the next generation of technology offered in the 9951, resulting in significant cost savings for end users wanting to make the switch.
Star TSP100 futurePRNT Receipt Printer is Pet Store Chain’s Best Friend
Uncle Bill’s in one of the most successful pet store chains in Indianapolis, due in part to its highly successful marketing program that includes coupons with vibrant colors and eye-popping graphics. Unfortunately, their old POS system was a dog in terms of performance. Thanks to Star receipt printers, however, Uncle Bill’s new POS system is turning out to be their best friend.
The Mobile Warehouse: Sorting

Increase the Overall Efficiency of Your Warehouse
If there’s one thing that can impact warehouse profitability, it’s your sorting processes.
A mobile technology solution from Motorola not only eliminates the problems associated with error-prone manual processes, it can increase the overall efficiency of your warehouse.
Gain Visibility over Operations
Solutions that utilize mobile computers and wireless technologies are changing the rules of warehouse sorting. By replacing paper accounting practices with automated ones, you can gain unprecedented control and visibility over your sorting operation.
The Mobile Warehouse: Returns

Check Returns Quickly and Accurately
Warehouse returns are one of those “little things†that can have a major impact on your warehouse operation.
In a Motorola mobile warehouse you can check returns quickly and accurately, re-label them right on the spot, decide whether or not to return them to stock, and eliminate the countless other problems associated with working at a fixed workstation.
The Mobile Warehouse: Receiving

Reduce Errors and Increase Accuracy
Receiving goods at the loading dock isn’t just labor-intensive; it can be error-intensive as well. Especially when you do things manually.
Simplify the Receiving Process
Receiving is much simpler in a Motorola mobile warehouse. Things you used to do by hand are now done using intelligent devices. You no longer have to worry about reading an unreadable label or punching the wrong number into your inventory system. The result: accuracy is increased. Costly errors and customer turnaround times are reduced.
Motorola’s mobile computers are rugged, multi-mode scanning devices with bar code, imaging and RFID capabilities. Combine them with wearable printers and you can print labels on the spot, reducing errors and increasing throughput.
To stay in touch with floor personnel in high-volume receiving areas, Motorola has a digital two-way radio system with a long battery life for clear and reliable communications.
The Mobile Warehouse: Put Away

Reduce Errors
For the typical warehouse operator, the put-away process can be a time-consuming, paper-based logistical nightmare.
In a mobile warehouse, put-away is more efficient. Errors are less likely. And productivity is taken to a whole new level.
Meet Customer Demands
The key is a real-time solution that utilizes wireless technologies in handheld and vehicle-mounted mobile computers, scanners and printers. Continue reading »
The Mobile Warehouse: Pallet Picking

Increase Pick Accuracy
One surefire way to expedite orders reduce delivery errors and make your customers happy is to improve picking accuracy.
In a mobile warehouse, pallet picking is significantly faster, more accurate and more cost-effective. And pallets checks and re-checks are a thing of the past.
The Mobile Warehouse: Managers Assistant

Take Care of the Office while Running the Floor
In today’s fast-paced warehouse, it’s easy for managers and supervisors to lose touch with operations on the floor.
But Motorola has a solution. With a personal mobile computer and communications system, you can supervise operations on the warehouse floor even when you can’t be there. Conversely, you can take care of business in the office while you’re on the floor, running things.
Multitask Like Never Before
With a rugged enterprise handheld digital assistant, you can perform multiple management functions simultaneously.
Utilizing integrated scanners and imagers, you can capture data on the floor and transmit that data back to a main office over an existing wireless local area network.
Increase Visibility to Keep the Floor Productive
Voice over IP (VoIP) capability, optional cellular connectivity and our digital two-way radio systems allow you to stay in contact with personnel on the floor — even in noisy settings. Use email and text messaging to share critical information quickly.
Need a wireless network built to your precise specifications? Or simply need to expand your current one. We’ve got you covered.
Take advantage of mobile voicemail, email and voice communications that work seamlessly with your Warehouse Management System (WMS) — as well as WMS and ERP applications like purchasing, inventory and dispatch.
In short, a Motorola digital assistant gives you access to the entire enterprise. This helps make you more efficient and gives you the visibility necessary to keep your entire floor productive.
It’s just another way Motorola puts Enterprise Mobility in the palm of your hand.