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Datamax-O’Neil Printer Comparison

Posted June 30, 2014

As one of the leading manufacturers of label printers, Datamax-O’Neil has a wide range of industrial, desktop, and mobile printers to meet the needs of any application.

Choosing the best printer for your specific business needs can be a challenge with just a list of model names and images. The charts below are a simple feature and specifications breakdown of the full Datamax-O’Neil printer line.

For additional assistance choosing the right printer, contact one of our printer specialists at Barcodes Inc.



Comparing Mobile Computers and Cordless Barcode Scanners

Posted June 27, 2014

With a variety of terminology out there these days it can be confusing and difficult to find exactly what kind of scanning device you need.  One of the more common terms to get mixed up is the difference between cordless scanners and mobile computers.

Outside the physical shape and size differences, there are a couple key functional use differences between them:

  • A cordless barcode scanner only scans a barcode and either transmits to a computer in real-time or stores the code into memory for a bulk upload at a later time.
  • Cordless barcode scanners only captures the data and cannot process or manage it.
  • A mobile computer combines a computer and a barcode scanner into one device with an operating systems (OS) to run apps and process the data beyond just storing it.
  • With a mobile computer you can edit and share information on the spot using Wi-Fi or Cellular networks. You can also get feedback  or look-up information through a variety of apps based off of the scanned information.

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Cipherlab 8600 Series New Software Suite

Posted June 27, 2014

Easy Development, Fast Deployment, Efficient Operation

The CipherLab 8600 mobile computer comes equipped with value-added software for simple and easy development. Forge Application Generator is designed for non-programmers to create applications without writing any codes, and it bundles with Remote Console which helps you to manage multiple mobile devices on a PC. Text Browser allows you to run web-based applications via internet. Mirror Terminal Emulator can extend complex mainframe applications to your 8600 handheld terminal. Furthermore, C Complier and BASIC Complier can be utilized to develop applications with more complexity.

For assistance finding the right CipherLab mobile device for your needs, contact us at BarcodesInc.

40 Year Anniversary of the First Barcode Scan

Posted June 26, 2014

Juicy Fruit gumToday marks the 40 year anniversary of the first scan of a GS1 barcode in a retail environment – which all started with a pack of Wrigley Juicy Fruit gum at a Marsh Supermarket in Troy, Ohio on June 26, 1974!

No one could have ever expected how a simple technology like the barcode would go on to shape and mold the retail landscape. The familiar beep of the scanner is now heard around the world up to six billion times a day!

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Motorola Unveils the New MC3200 Mobile Computer

Posted June 25, 2014

mc3200Motorola is offering the third generation of the industry’s most successful mid-range mobile computer to retailers, manufacturers and distributors to help improve customer satisfaction through more efficient and accurate inventory management. The new, lightweight MC3200 mobile computer is ideal for inventory-related tasks on the store sales floor, in the warehouse aisle and on the loading dock where mobile workers need to rapidly and accurately pick orders to ensure customers receive the right items on time.

The cost-effective MC3200 is the industry’s first enterprise-class mobile device available with support for both the Android and Windows Embedded Compact (CE) 7 operating system (OS) – enabling businesses to standardize on one OS for all of their enterprise applications. With Premium models of the MC3200, companies can swap between Android and Windows CE 7, enabling them to purchase the OS that best meets the needs of their businesses and workers today and in the future.

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Advantages of PCL-Enabled Thermal Barcode Printers in Distribution & Transportation: Cutting out the Middleware

Posted June 24, 2014

PCL easily integrates to existing software, therefore, the cost of maintenance is lower and eliminates the need for middleware. This white paper to explores the advantages of PCL-enabled thermal barcode printers.

Starting with the basics, barcode technology has a heavy impact on the distribution and transportation industry. The barcode industry benefits not only employees who handle over thousands of packages every day, but customers, who ship those packages. The use of barcodes in these two industries allows daily supply chain activities to be streamlined, therefore, reducing complexity and simplifying the communication between channels. An added benefit of using barcode printers for these activities is the security of using Printer Control Language.

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Tech Tips: Sensor Error Fix for Sato CLe Series Printers

Posted June 23, 2014

Sensor Error – Common Causes/Solutions for the Sato CL408e and CL412e

Cause: Incorrect sensor type selected on the printer and/or in the software/driver settings.

Solution: Select the appropriate sensor type using DSW2-2 on the printer.

Cause: Dirty or obstructed sensor and/or media loaded improperly.

Solution: Make sure sensor is free from obstructions and blow out with compressed air, then refer to Label Routing diagrams on the printer to properly load media.

For assistance with any Sato product, contact us at Barcodes Inc.

Sato’s New CL4NX Printer to Replace Legacy Models

Posted June 20, 2014

As a result of its superior and extraordinary feature set and the overwhelming acceptance by our customers of the new CL4NX, effective immediately, Sato will no longer manufacture the printer models listed below. There are limited numbers of units available from each series and orders will be fulfilled on a first come, first served basis:

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Datalogic’s Lynx Firmware Update v1.86

Posted June 19, 2014

Datalogic is pleased to announce firmware release v1.86 for Lynx mobile computers. This release is available for Windows Embedded Handheld (WEHH) 6.5.

This release provides a number of improvements that have been requested by our customers. Our commitment is to continue providing the best ‘outof-the-box’ experience in the industry with Datalogic mobile computers.

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Barcode Systems for Tool Tracking

Posted June 17, 2014

tool_controlDon’t be a Fool, Track your Tools…with Barcodes
By Andrew Springer

One of the main challenges many construction companies face today is tracking, managing and maintaining all of their valuable tools, supplies, and equipment. In an industry that relies so heavily on its equipment and materials, it is essential that companies use the best possible methods for tracking and managing their valuable resources. No longer can these companies afford to ignore the immediate and future benefits of investing in barcode-based inventory systems and asset tracking systems.

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