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Printronix Expands their Mobile Printer Offering with the New M4L

Posted June 17, 2014

Printronix M4L Portable PrinterPrintronix has announced the launch of the M4L portable barcode printer. The M4L joins Printronix Print Cart in the line of mobile printing solutions, further extending a growing category within industrial printing. The M4L is designed to run at full-printing capacity for extended lengths of time – 30% longer than competitive models – to maximize warehouse efficiency so workers can print and apply labels at the point of application.

Easier Integration, Reliability You Can Trust

The M4L integrates seamlessly with factory-ready ZPL II & CPCL emulations, and secure Bluetooth and WiFi 802.11 b/g/n. The unit connects directly to legacy systems and devices which streamlines integration into diverse industrial environments.

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Seiko Qaliber Series Printers Now Qualified for CAP Software Retail POS

Posted June 16, 2014

Seiko Qaliber RP-E Series PrinterSeiko’s Qaliber RP-E and RP-D series receipt printers have been qualified as supported printers for the popular CAP POS software lines. With some of  the best performance specs in the industry, the Qaliber line of receipt printers are a reliable yet very affordable choice for even the most demanding POS environments.

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HP Expands Retail Portfolio with RP2 and RP5 Retail Systems

Posted June 13, 2014

HP has expanded its market-leading retail solutions portfolio with point-of-sale (POS) systems designed to maximize space and increase efficiency for smoother business operations.

  • The new HP RP2 All-In-One features a small footprint, combined with flexible mounting options to help boost employee productivity.
  • The updated high-performance HP RP5, Model 5810, provides businesses with the flexibility to seamlessly control everything from the store floor to the back office, with performance capabilities to handle even the most demanding environments.

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Code Introduces the New CR6000 Industrial DPM Scanner

Posted June 12, 2014

Code has announced the release of the Code Reader 6000 (CR6000), an industrial grade direct part mark (DPM) reader that enhances data collection with the latest advancements in barcode reading.

The CR6000 employs Code’s latest imaging technology to achieve consistent first pass read rates of dot peen and laser-etched barcodes, regardless of surface type. Combining advanced illumination control and patented anti-glare technology with a propriety decoding platform, the CR6000 excels in reading low-contrast, hard-to-read barcodes, even those that are damaged by every day wear and tear.

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Motorola’s New MC18 Personal Shopper Mobile Computer

Posted June 11, 2014

The MC18 personal shopper solution is a smartphone-style, state-of-the-art mobile computer that transforms the shopping experience. As the next generation self-scanning solution, the MC18 enables retail shoppers to easily and conveniently scan items as they shop, saving time and avoiding the need to wait in lines at checkout. Retail shoppers can also receive discount coupons, as well as suggestions for complementary items.

The MC18 also features the PowerPrecision+ battery, a new higher capacity battery only from Motorola that provides enough power for 45 minutes of shopping with just 15 minutes of charging. The intelligent PowerPrecision+ battery delivers advanced state of health and state of charge information—improving device management and ensuring that cradles are always filled with ready-to-use devices.

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RedBeam Version 5.6.1 Now Available

Posted June 10, 2014

RedBeam Asset Tracking Asset Tracking SoftwareThe latest version of RedBeam Asset Tracking, Inventory Tracking, and Check In/Check Out applications includes a database upgrade to SQL Express 2008 R2.  This enhancement provides the following benefits:

  • Increased Memory – 10 GB of database memory versus 4 GB in the previous version.
  • Support for Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012 – SQL Server 2008 R2 is fully supported on Windows 8/Windows Server 2012.

Backwards Compatibility – SQL Express 2008 was intentionally chosen over SQL Express 2012 because it allows us to continue to support customers running Windows XP.

For assistance choosing the right version of ReadBeam for your business needs, contact us at Barcodes Inc.

Sato’s CL4NX Series – Beyond Expectations

Posted June 9, 2014

2014-06-09_0909Sato’s newest addition to their printer line, the CL4NX, is one of the most advanced yet easy to use industrial printers on the market today. Engineered to be a truly universal printer it has the flexibility to meet the demands of any application from compliance labeling and logistics tracking to asset management and retail tagging.

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TSC Adds New TDP-324W Wristband and TDP-324 Label Desktop Printers

Posted June 6, 2014

2014-06-06_0917TSC has added two new high-resolution printers, the TDP-324W wristband printer and the TDP-324 desktop printer, to its growing line of direct-thermal desktop products.

TDP-324W Wristband Printer

The two-inch-format TDP-324W is engineered to print high-definition wristbands used for patient identification, entertainment ticketing and various government applications, including restricted-area access and visitor identification.

Standard features include a 300-dpi printhead, a large 6.5-inch-diameter media cabinet, and an easy-to-read LCD that displays printer status. The TDP-324W can be operated either as a standalone desktop or wall-mounted printer and supports USB 2.0 and Ethernet communications. It also features a USB-host port for connecting keyboards or scanners.

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Apple iOS 8 keyboard update allows for system-wide barcode scanning

Posted June 5, 2014

Apple unveiled dozens of new features in its upcoming iOS 8 operating system for iPhone, iPods and iPads at their World Wide Developer Conference on Monday.

Of particular interest to those who use iOS devices for light inventory management or asset tracking is the support for custom 3rd party keyboards.

Android has supported 3rd party keyboards for years, but the feature is new to iOS. Third party keyboards are commonly used to offer different ways of entering text, by swiping, for example.

Custom keyboards can be used for more than just typing. They can also be developed with a new “scan” button that, when tapped, uses the camera to scan a barcode and enter the text or numbers from that barcode anywhere you can type: web pages, email, other apps, etc.

Custom 3rd Party iOS 8 keyboard

ID TECH’s Shuttle and UniMag II Approved for the Visa Ready Program

Posted June 5, 2014

ID Tech has announced two of their secure mobile magstripe readers, the Shuttle and UniMag II, are now approved solutions of the Visa Ready Program.

The Visa Ready Program is designed to ensure that devices, software, and solutions used to initiate or accept Visa payments are compatible with Visa’s requirements.

The ID Tech Shuttle and UniMag II are two-track encrypted magnetic stripe readers that transform any mobile device into an mPOS solution. Both mobile readers encrypt card data before it enters the mobile device increasing the merchant’s business reputation by inhibiting fraudulent activity. The Shuttle and UniMag II support TDES and AES encryption using DUKPT key management and administer superior card reading performance with a single swipe in either direction. With the Visa Ready Program’s security requirements and ID Tech’s continuation to innovate secure payment solutions, merchants can rely on the safety of their mPOS system.

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