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Honeywell Announces the Captuvo SL42 for Apple iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus

Posted August 11, 2015

captuvosl42iphone6and6plus_03_largeAccording to a report recently published by Good Technology, iOS activations accounted for 73% of global device activations in Q4 2014. The introduction of the Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have been pivotal in driving the market share upswing for iOS, as enterprises take advantage of leveraging the hallmark user interface and broad availability of enterprise-class apps to deliver engaging and unique customer experiences.

For enterprises looking to extend the capabilities of Apple’s latest consumer-preferred devices, Honeywell is pleased to announce availability of the Captuvo SL42 for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Designed to transform the popular smartphone into an enterprise-ready solution, the Captuvo SL42 for Apple iPhone 6 and Apple iPhone 6 Plus targets mobile frontline workers who require real-time connectivity to business-critical applications and superior barcode scanning performance to improve productivity and better serve customers whether in the office, on the road, or in the field.

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Empowering Your WLAN to Deliver a Better Guest Experience

Posted August 10, 2015

The Challenge: Supporting a Major Increase of in-Store Wireless Applications — and a New Generation of WI-FI

Today’s wireless LAN (WLAN) is more than a network. It has become a critical business tool that helps retailers of all sizes improve the customer experience and associate efficiency. But wireless technologies and wireless initiatives have continued to evolve, pressuring the WLAN you have today and presenting numerous challenges:

Shoppers’ expect high-performance in-store Wi-Fi access

When today’s shoppers step into your store, they expect you to provide complimentary access to the store’s Wi-Fi network. They are looking to help control their cellular data fees and eliminate the connection issues that can occur inside a retail store. But providing guest access creates several issues:

  • Ease of access – You need to be able to allow shoppers to easily sign in to access your WLAN
  • Security – You need to be able to keep your network secure, despite the fact that you are offering open public access to your WLAN
  • Next generation 802.11ac Wi-Fi support – The fifth generation of Wi-Fi is here. Analysts are predicting critical mass in just a few short years — in 2015 — and your customers are already buying 802.11ac-enabled mobile devices. You need to make sure that shoppers who have upgraded to these next-generation Wi-Fi devices can still access your WLAN
  • Performance expectations – You need to provide your shoppers with dependable high-performance Wi-Fi connections — despite major and unpredictable fluctuations in the number of users and traffic on the WLAN

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RFID for your Cat

Posted August 7, 2015

When you think about RFID one of your first thoughts probably isn’t how it can benefit your pet cat. Many pets today have an RFID chip in them for identification purposes but beyond that, the technology doesn’t really come into play in their day to day lives.

Ben Milliam realized that he could enhance his cat’s general curiosity and ‘mobile’ hunting drive with the aid of some RFID tagged wiffle balls and a modified electronic feeder he embedded an RFID reader in. Now his cat, Monkey, gets a taste of being an outdoor ‘hunting’ cat in the comforts of home.

You can find a detailed breakdown of Ben’s process and how be built everything on his site.

Filed under: Barcode Fun,RFID
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Sato’s CL6e Series Printer End-of-Life

Posted August 5, 2015

cl612eSato has announced the discontinuation of the CL608e and CL612e industrial thermal printer and all related accessories. This retirement notice includes the discontinuation of the CL6e series printers and accessories. For a suitable replacement, the new CL6NX series is the perfect choice for even better performance while still using the same media the older printers used.

Reason for Retirement: The CL6NX series was released in April 2015 which has a superior feature set and is a compatible replacement for the CL6e.

Service and Warranty: Sat0 will honor all warranties in place and maintain our service obligation by supporting and servicing discontinued printers through Sato as long as parts are available.

For more information or assistance finding the right replacement industrial printer for your needs, contact us at Barcodes, Inc.

Datalogic’s Magellan 9800i Redefines Retail Checkout Scanning

Posted August 3, 2015

Leading the way in retail checkout scanning, the Datalogic Magellan 9800i is the world’s first in-counter barcode scanner driven completely by high performance digital imaging, resulting in the ability to increase checkout performance in the world’s busiest checkout environments. Compared to traditional laser based in-counter scanner/scales, the 9800i greatly improves checkout speeds but also opens new interactions with a customer facing imager to easily scan digital coupons from smartphone screens and traditional paper/card based coupons.

Key Features

  • Advanced digital imaging in all reading planes
  • Seamless reading of 1D and 2D codes in all planes with good-read audio and visual confirmation for fast, uninterrupted scanning
  • Optional Top Down Reader (TDR) adds large topside field-of-view as well as a customer-facing mobile device reader
  • The largest ever All-Weighs scale platter enables effortless, accurate weighing of long or bulky items
  • ScaleSentry Shrink Monitoring/Prevention System reduces losses from oversized items outside the weighing surface
  • Low bonnet height allows for accessibility and flexibility in checkstand layout
  • Top side accessible service port allows for the product to stay in the counter for most service calls (including software upgrades)
  • Illumix Intelligent Illumination Technology designed for digital imaging in retail
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