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Tech Tip Tuesday: 6 Steps to Flawless Fulfillment

Posted October 30, 2018

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Operational issues such as inaccurate information, lack of visibility, and paper process marks the greatest hindrances to a flawless fulfillment system inside a warehouse. To combat that and drive a better warehouse,  automation and connectivity enable the modern warehouse to stay compliant, deliver on time, and ensure more overall customer satisfaction.

With the shift towards smarter technology, increasing mobile devices in your operation can improve accuracy in item selection, packing, and shipping. Create a more efficient, compliant, and profitable warehouse with these six steps. Screenshot 2

  1. Deploy Industrial Wireless Solutions– connectivity to deliver real time access to the WMS to optimize productivity and workflow
  2. Improve Staff Communications– ensure efficient task management through voice and data communications
  3. Mobility for Order Picking Process-  accurate locations to conserve time so workers can process more orders with fewer errors
  4. Advanced Inventory Capabilities– real time inventory data collection to improve efficiency and accuracy leading to better trend analysis and improve buying practices
  5. Upgrade Inbound Handling Operations– quickly validate and update any returns, overall increase in accuracy and productivity to process more shipments
  6. Accurate Outbound Handling Operations– improve shipping and delivery times as trucks are fully loaded with the right contents

To learn more, read the 6 Steps to Flawless Fulfillment e-book below and discover how mobility can bring new levels of efficiency, accuracy, and visibility to your warehouse. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to know how Barcodes can help develop a solution that best meets the needs and goals of your business.



Enabling the Smart Warehouse: Warehousing 2020

Posted October 29, 2018

Based on a Zebra Warehouse vision survey by 2020, the industry in asset visibility, warehouse productivity, and supply chain integration will have a major transformation. In which, where the top technology expansion plans are in barcode scanning, tablet computers, warehouse automation, big data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT).

Make sure that your system is not falling behind, learn more about the key concerns that other companies in the industry is focusing on expanding. Contact us if you have any questions or interest in adopting to newer technologies to increase efficiency and return on your investment as global online sales continue to grow.

Additionally, this is not a trick! For now, FREE 2-DAY SHIPPING* on all orders made online on through October 31,2018 at 11:59 pm CST. Use our promo code: HALLOWEEN. Don’t miss out, contact us today!



*Enjoy free 2-day shipping on all orders over $200 made online only on through October 31, 2018 at 11:59 pm CST. Offer cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts. Offer valid on web pricing only. This offer does not apply to existing quotes. Offer valid in the US only. This offer is not valid on international orders. Online use only. One time use only. Certain product exclusions apply on supplies (ribbons/labels) and cash drawers.

Secure Mobile Productivity with the RF IDeas pcProx® Nano

Posted October 25, 2018

nano-horizontalnano-vertical Authentication is now made easy with the pcProx® Nano reader which allows workers to secure mobile productivity and authenticate on the go! Across all industries, employees uses some type of mobile device such to work and needs authentication with usernames and sign-ins. Often times, logging into the device can take longer due to the need to increase security with highly complex password or two-factor authentication process. To make sure that sign-ins are not shared and enables a speedy log in there’s RF IDeas pcProx® Nano.

The pcProx® Nano is a convenient 125 kHz proximity mobile reader that allows employees access mobile work devices with the assurance of security and ease of identification with their existing badges. It gives an advantage for companies to leverage their existing building access system to make the password process easier, less-time consuming, and be able to tap their badges to gain access to workstations and provide authorization without having to remember and type in lengthy, complicated passwords.

This is an emerging trend for the healthcare institutions, featuring plug- and- play functionality health professionals can benefit from the features below:

  • Improve organization workflow
  • Eliminates manual entry
  • Ownership associated with individual identification
  • Secure sensitive information
  • No training needed- employee familiarity with existing badges
  • Enhances investment of single badges
  • Expands applications selections

Not limited to just healthcare, pcProx® Nano can also be used for visitor management, point of sale, dispensing, secure printing, time and attendance. With a vertical or horizontal form factor, this revolutionary small reader brings flexibility in terms of solution and simple integration with your existing system.

Watch the video below to see how the pcProx® Nano can help you secure mobile productivity and authenticate on the go! Contact us if you have any questions or if you need help on a solution that works best for you.

ICYMI: Barcodes and Extreme Networks Webinar on Securing IoT

Posted October 23, 2018


In case you missed the webinar today with us, click on the video and discover how Barcodes and Extreme Networks can help you secure the IoT through automation and your intelligent network.

In the webinar, you will learn how Extreme’s wired and wireless solutions can secure your systems, applications, and users to ensure maximum protection in your facility.

  1. How Network Automation reduces IT network administration and improves operational efficiency
  2. How Network Automation can help secure company intellectual property, devices, and staff
  3. How Extreme Smart Edge Solutions accelerates enterprise digital transformation with an intelligent, adaptable, and secure solution that provides a consistent customer driven experience

Contact us if you have any questions or give us a call at 1-800-351-9962 and we will be happy to help.

It’s Not Too Late to Join our Extreme Networks Webinar!

Posted October 22, 2018

Are you interested in learning the advantages and the value of securing your IoT using Network Automation? Come join us for the Extreme Networks webinar that we are hosting on October 23!

Securing the IoT through Automation & Intelligent Network with Extreme Networks 
Tuesday, October 23 from 11-11:30 AM CST
Presented by: Tom Cantanese, Senior System Engineer


We will discuss how Extreme’s wired and wireless solutions can secure your systems, applications, and users to ensure maximum protection at your facility.

You will learn:

  1. How Network Automation reduces IT network administration and improves operational efficiency
  2. How Network Automation can help secure company intellectual property, devices, and staff
  3. How Extreme Smart Edge Solutions accelerates enterprise digital transformation with an intelligent, adaptable, and secure solution that provides a consistent customer driven experience

Register now here for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card! The winner will be announced at the end of the webinar.

We hope to see you there!

P.S. If you cannot attend the live webinar, be sure to register anyways and we’ll send you the recording and slides afterwards!

Capitalize on Retail’s Mobility Trend with Honeywell Captuvo Sleds

Posted October 18, 2018

Capitalize on retail’s mobility trend with Honeywell Captuvo Sleds,  they are helping organizations innovate the way they work. With the Captuvo Sleds, it is easy to transform your Apple iPod Touch or iPhones into an enterprise- ready device as a data collection tool that you need.

Any free scanning applications on your phone is not responsive and quick enough to scan the barcodes for your daily operations. Retailers are convinced of the benefits from modern mobility products and are now seeking for the right solutions. For some organizations it is important to find a cost effective device that can do it all and compact enough for workers to work a full shift. The Captuvo Sleds can scan, locate products and with it’s optional encryption ready magnetic stripe reader it can also process payments enabling your employees to reduce check out time.

It can empower the mobile sales associates with the tools they need to engage closer with customers and increase sales on the floor. Additionally, with the Honeywell’s SDK portal you can also develop an iOS App for Honeywell’s Captuvo Sleds to boost worker productivity and performance.captuvo SL22 duo reflect 277x300


  • Adaptus Imaging Technology for fast and accurate scanning for 1D and 2D barcodes
  • Protective housing which adds durability
  • Various apps for price/ product look up, markdowns, and inventory management
  • Scan barcodes and check out customers anywhere in store
  • Provides additional power to the Apple device to ensure maximum uptime

Contact us if you have any questions or would like to find a solution to enhance the customer’s experience in your store.

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Adapt For The Future with Barcodes and Zebra

Posted October 17, 2018

Traceability in any industry is important, whether you are scanning products in retail, warehouse, medicine, or shipping labels. Data need to be capture to hold information that needs to be fulfilled. Update the tools you need to eliminate extra steps, meet the growing demand, and exceed your productivity goals.

Advance your daily operations and ensure that you can scan it right on the first time for faster data capturing, decrease processing time, and please all your smart shoppers. Read the infographic to see how Barcodes can provide you with the solution that you need with Zebra products. Contact us for a free assessment and let us know if you have any questions or concerns and we can show you the way to prepare for the future.


Change the Grocery Store Shopping Experience with Janam’s XM75

Posted October 16, 2018


Challenge: Grocery chains today struggle to find a way to attract customers to visit the store. With the grocery shopping platform expanding into cyberspace through websites and mobile apps, customers have so many choices in when and where to shop for their products. Retailers need to raise the experience and stand out from its competitors and deliver a personalized shopping experience to their customers to increase in- store shoppers.

Solution: Janam’s XM75 can build the bridge between the gaps of mobile and in-store shopping by capturing and providing the data that you need to generate a personalized experience for your customers.

xm75Why Janam’s XM75?

It can help deliver the complete experience to the retailer and consumer.

For retailer employees:

  • To scan all your inventory needs and keep track of what comes in and out
  • Communicate with fellow employees
  • Change prices
  • Pocketable with long battery life to boost productivity
  • Accessible to applications

For consumers:

  • Help customers locate items
  • Engage customers with product information, launches, and promotions
  • Simplify the checkout process
  • Capture data during in-store interactions

The Janam’s XM75 can bring innovation to the retail and grocery space to better execute inventory management, employee communications, and customer service. To increase customer satisfaction and retention, which can help change and transform your business in order to meet the demands of the consumers.

Watch the video below and learn about the features of the XM75 and see how it can boost your grocery-chain operations. Feel free to reach out to our dedicated account managers if you have any questions or for a solution that works best for you.

From Field to Store with Zebra’s ZT400 Series

Posted October 12, 2018

With the PTI, Produce Traceability Initiative, produce supply chains need to use an electronic traceability system to validate and trace products that are being delivered to each store. Find out how you can drive efficiency, value, and freshness with Zebra’s ZT400 Series.

Let’s follow a lemon from field to store.

  1. Lemons are picked from field and packed into cases
  2. Cases needs to be assigned a label to be note what location it came from the field
  3. These cases are sent to a warehouse to be inspected for quality control
  4. Repack into boxes that needs to be label with the pack, harvest, and best by dates
  5. Boxes of lemons are stacked into a pallet labeled with a container code label
  6. Container codes allow distributors to scan the barcode to find out the lot and GTIN code
  7. After orders are placed for the produce, distributors can scan and print shipping labels to be delivered to each store.

From the field to packing in a warehouse, it is important to have the labels with the codes printed quick and precise. The ZT400 Series can meet the high label printing needs with ease and increase efficiency down a supply chain line.

Fast and reliable, the ZT410 (4 inch print width) where the ZT420 (6 inch) and both offers up to a high resolution of printing for any size labels.

Both Feature:

  • Ethernet, USB, and Bluetooth with optional Wi-Fi addition
  • Handles wide range of media
  • Dual USB port for added flexibility
  • Intuitive icon-based interface with an optional LCD screen to show any alerts
  • Easy media and ribbon loading
  • Rugged durability for demanding applications

It delivers advancements in print speed, connectivity options, management, and support tools that can drive efficiency, value, and savings.

Get your supply chain in compliance with PTI and Zebra’s ZT400! You can decrease downtime, mapping errors, and costly logistical mistakes! Contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how the ZT400 can help you in your daily operations.



Migrate Onto Honeywell’s Mobility Edge Platform

Posted October 8, 2018

Juggling multiple devices across the enterprise can costs time and money for enterprise IT to manage and maintain. Introducing Honeywell’s Mobility Edge devices. It release the constraints around integration and inflexible technologies. Migrate to Android and get the performance and future- proofing you need.

Learn how the mobile computers that are built on the Android and Mobility Edge Platform can help you accelerate deployments, optimize performance, and extend lifecycle on supported device.


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