A slice of Auto ID corrects Wholesale Grocer’s Inventory challenge

Posted December 7, 2009

The Challenge
Heiderbeck was using an outdated data collection system to track and update thousands of products in its inventory. Heiderbeck specifically used a manual recording system, in which warehouse employees would print out inventory lists, make hand-written adjustments and then give the lists to other employees for updating purposes.

Without a modern automatic identification system, Heiderbeck was vulnerable to errors and data inaccuracies. After the merger between the two companies Heider and Beck, Heiderbeck decided it was time to invest in an efficient inventory tracking solution. They found the answer in an automatic identification system, which utilizes bar code scanners and customized software for product tracking.

The Solution
By choosing an automatic identification system, Heiderbeck would be equipped to facilitate a real-time inventory record, be able to write off spoiled and damaged goods and create more operational efficiencies. Automatic identification also produces a very low error rate and ensures data is available at all times, which is especially important in monitoring and updating ‘date sensitive’ product inventories.

Heiderbeck selected a bar code reader with a quick read rate and diverse decoding capabilities. When viewed individually, these demands are met by most devices on the market; however, Datalogic Scanning’s Gryphon BT was the only product able to best satisfy Heiderbeck’s needs.

The Gryphon BT reader was specifically chosen for its outstanding read rate of up to 270 scans/second. The reader is capable of reading linear bar codes as well as GS1 DataBar stacked bar codes, positioning Heiderbeck for future growth possibilities.

Datalogic’s patented Green spot technology also ensured good read feedback for employees through visual and audio prompts directly on the bar code. The Green spot is particularly important in noisy environments where audio confirmation cannot always be heard, such as in a warehouse. Datalogic scanning’s patented Puzzlesolver was another primary benefit, which helps read poorly printed and/or damaged bar codes.

The Results
After a developmental period of three months, the tailor-made software solution was installed at Heiderbeck. Seven weeks later, the transition from manual matching to an automatic identification system was completed. As a complement to the software, the Gryphon BT readers enabled all procedures to be completed electronically, which considerably reduced Heiderbeck’s error rates and provides 100% traceability and recalls relevant data at any time. Overall, this solution not only saved valuable resources, but allowed Heidereck to attain the ultimate goal: better customer service with reduced errors and improved efficiency.

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