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Pioneer POS StealthTouchand Magnus Spill Tests

Posted July 12, 2012

POS terminals are a key component that most businesses cannot afford to have go down. Consistent, optimum functionality is essential with deployment of all-in-one touchcomputers in environments such as restaurants, bars, kitchens, supermarkets, convenience stores, hospitals, laboratories, casinos, and manufacturing floors. Having the right terminal in place ensures business goes on as usual no matter what happens.

PioneerPOS designs all products with the end user in mind, taking into consideration the demands and rigors of various industry application. Not only are the StealthTouch and Magnus series of products rugged enough to withstand the harshest environments, these products are also spill resistant, as demonstrated in these videos.

Mobile Admission Ticket Printing

Posted March 29, 2012

Industry Need

Fixed ticketing locations suffer from significant limitations when servicing peak attendance volumes. Limited processing points cause bottlenecks that severely restrict flow, causing delays and dissatisfied customers. This can create safety issues with excessive crowds congregating and limit event purchasing to a captive audience within a venue location. Adding stations requires significant investment without adequately addressing dynamically changing service environments.

Advances in mobile ticket printing have enabled users to overcome these limitations by moving ticketing to the point of activity. Taking transactions to the customer places processing points where they are needed most, increasing throughput and reducing wait times. However, this application is not without its challenges. Key requirements must be met for mobile ticketing success; these needs include media with appropriate durability, look and feel, speedy printing, and rugged, reliable equipment.

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Epson TM-S2000 ultifunction payment device: check scanner, credit card reader and 2-sided ID scanner in one

Posted November 17, 2011

TM-S2000 Offers Multiple Features, Industry-Leading Functionality in One Compact Footprint

Epson introduced its new TM-S2000 multifunction payments device. Epson’s new, feature-packed TM-S2000 offers industry-leading functionality, such as the fastest check scanning speed in its class, the highest MICR accuracy available and best-in-class image quality. Additional features include an optional 3-track magnetic stripe reader, a two-sided ID scanner, up to 15 lines of endorsement printing and an industry-leading two-year warranty. Epson’s TM-S2000 delivers maximum functionality in an impressively small footprint and is ideally suited for high-volume RDC applications where speed, accuracy and maximum throughput are essential to workflow efficiency.

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Datalogic Scanning Announces Partnership with Mobile Marketing Provider

Posted May 12, 2010

Continuing to leverage the rapidly expanding mobile commerce and marketing trends in retail, Datalogic Scanning is pleased to announce its joint marketing agreement with RocketBux, a white label mobile marketing services provider.

With over 2.4 billion active users worldwide and 10 times as many consumer access points as the wired internet, the mobile marketing industry is positioned for unprecedented growth. These statistics are not lost on retailers, payment processors or loyalty companies who are eagerly adopting services to take full advantage of this new, high-growth channel.

Datalogic Scanning and RocketBux began working together in 2008 by deploying several mobile commerce pilot programs utilizing Datalogic’s new imaging-based POS bar code scanners and RocketBux’s leading suite of mobile commerce tools, which includes bar codes that are generated by mobile phones. Datalogic Scanning selected RocketBux because their solutions are simple to use and require no special downloads or applications.

RocketBux’s bar coded products work extremely well with Datalogic’s exclusive Illumix™ Intelligent Illumination Technology, which enables retailers to quickly and easily read bar codes from mobile phones without any cashier or user intervention at the POS. They also use superior, patented bar code optimization technology with either 1D or 2D codes. Both companies agree these features are necessary to achieve the broadest adoption rate among consumers.

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Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009: Available for Retailers Today

Posted August 4, 2009

Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009Microsoft Corp. today announced the availability of Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009, a flexible, scalable solution that helps midmarket companies and specialty retailers provide outstanding customer service, drive employee productivity and make business decisions with confidence. The new solution builds on Microsoft’s promise of the Dynamic Business — a vision for helping companies realize their full potential through the strategic use of flexible business applications that remain relevant as their business needs evolve.

Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 has a customizable user interface that allows for user-defined branding, messaging or promotion as defined by the software development kit.

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Filed under: Point of Sale

Retailers Rate Epson #1 in Peripherals Four Years in a Row

Posted August 4, 2009

EpsonEpson Tops the Charts Again in RIS News 2009 Hardware LeaderBoard Survey

For the fourth year in a row Epson, a leading supplier of value-added point-of-service (POS) solutions, has been voted the number one peripherals provider in the Hardware LeaderBoard 2009 published by Retail Information Systems News (RIS) Magazine. The rankings are based on a cumulative score in six categories, including Product Features and Functionality, Price and Value, Overall Performance, Technology Innovation, Support and Service and Product Reliability.

“Epson keeps a perfect record going as the winner of this category [peripherals] for the fourth straight year,” cited the RIS LeaderBoard. “In capturing the top spot Epson achieved top scores in the following criteria: Product Features and Product Reliability.”

With an overall score of 50.43 (out of 60), Epson was named number one peripherals vendor for the fourth consecutive year, surpassing IBM, NCR, and Lexmark. The peripherals category includes keyboards, scanners, receipt printers, electronic payment devices, signature capture pads, check imagers, biometric identification readers, pole units, screens and cash drawers.

“We are proud that retailers continue to vote Epson number one in peripherals,” said Mike Helm, Director of Sales and Marketing, Epson System Device Group. “Our commitment to the retail industry is stronger than ever, and we continue to listen and support our customers with innovative products that solve problems and improve operations.”

Filed under: Point of Sale,Press Releases

Reduce errors and Save Money with Epson’s new TM-T88IV ReStick liner-free label and receipt printer

Posted July 31, 2009

Epson TM-T88iv re-stick label printerUp to 15% of delivered quick-serve restaurants (QSR) orders contain errors which result in wasted food, increased costs and dissatisfied customers.

Epson’s new TM-T88IV ReStick liner-free label and receipt printer has all the features, speed and reliability you need to improve your delivery systems and reduce costs.

New Snap-on Credit Card Reader for Motorola MC70 and MC75 Enables Mobile/Wireless Payments

Posted July 30, 2009

Motorola snap on mobile payment moduleSnap-On Mobile Payment Module provides robust anytime, anywhere mobile point of sale

The Motorola Snap-On Mobile Payment Device turns the Motorola MC70 and MC75 mobile computer into an instant point of sale (POS), enabling employees and associates inside and outside the four walls to improve service, productivity and sales in retail stores, hotels, car rental agencies, package delivery routes and more. With secure wireless LAN (WLAN) and wireless WAN (WWAN) connections to banking, CRM and other backend systems, this versatile three-track device allows workers to process credit and debit cards as well as driver’s licenses and loyalty cards in real-time for on-the-spot payment processing and more.

Motorola snap on mobile payment module specifications

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Filed under: Point of Sale,Product News

Maximize the success of your restaurant with mobility

Posted June 22, 2009

Mobile credit card reader
Whether your restaurant is large or small, or offers fine, casual or quickserve dining, your servers and managers will have the tools they need to capture, transmit and access information as needed, wherever they happen to be. As a result, overall operational efficiency is maximized. Productivity is improved through process automation, improving staff utilization. Servers and managers are more effective, able to take the right action at the right time to deliver a level of service that will not only set you apart from your competition — but will keep your guests coming back. And the ability to increase sales and the number of guests while substantially improving service enables restaurants all over the world to achieve a new level of success…and profitability.

Download whitepaper: Maximize the success of your restaurant with mobility

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Filed under: Point of Sale,White Paper

Basket-at-once scanning technology exists, but retailers aren’t biting

Posted April 3, 2009

At this year’s NRF show, the company 5stat demonstrated an RFID-based application for apparel retailers which scanned an entire counter full of clothing into the POS instantaneously, eliminating the need to drag each item across a barcode scanner. Microsoft has a similar demo unit in its Retail Experience Center that rings up copies of Windows Vista and Halo Wars in a blink; IBM has two such fully functional test labs for retailers, one in southern France, the other in New York.

It is incontrovertible that from a technology standpoint, basket-at-once scanning is available today. But the business case isn’t there yet, and the sad irony is that the retail segment that stands to benefit from it the most — supermarkets and grocery — will likely be the last to see it, if it does at all, thanks to some unique challenges.

“I’ve seen the demos, but to my knowledge, there is no retailer that has item-level RFID tagging on all live SKUs, which would be a prerequisite for a shopping cart scan-at-once,” said Jason Goldberg, vice president of marketing at retail design firm MTI.

Getting RFID tags into the supply chain

The stumbling block is not a technology one, and it is no longer really a cost one — tag prices are hovering close to the $.05 to $.08 range that most pundits said would be the “magic number” for mass adoption. The big problem, it seems, is finding a logical and cost-effective way to get the tags onto the products themselves.

The perfect scenario involves retailers getting their suppliers to put tags on the products before shipping them to the stores.

“If you have a retailer that is selling 50 different brands of apparel, the challenge is, they have to work with all 50 suppliers to tag their products,” said Himanshu Bhatt, global solutions executive and program director for IBM sensors and actuators. “But if you have a branded apparel retailer, the ones that have their own manufacturing, they have their own captive supply chain” and can integrate tagging as the last step in the manufacturing process.

Of course, those retailers with 50 brands can always slap the tags on the shirts themselves, but in doing so miss out on many of the supply chain benefits that item-level tagging provides above and beyond basket-at-once scanning, making it less of a value proposition.

Goldberg said few retailers have even come close to tagging enough of their products to make basket-at-once scanning a possibility.

“In my estimation, it will be some time before we see it,” he said.

Filed under: Point of Sale
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