Don’t Delay, Migrate Today! Why Migrating Sooner Pays

Posted June 4, 2018

There are four big reasons why leading carriers are upgrading their networks to LTE and why you should to- Faster speeds, wider coverage, greater compability, and better reliability. Already, Verizon has started diminishing its 2G/3G service and will begin to decommission its legacy network on Jan 1, 2020. Other carriers are expected to follow.

Investigate why companies are upgrading to LTE, analyze why migrating sooner pays, and explore the strategies that can help ease the transition.

Find out what all this means for you. Watch the video below to find out!

icon 1 See why it’s better   icon 2  Analyze how it fits icon 3 Map out strategies

Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 866-349-5964, if you have any questions or need any additional information on how you can upgrade to the new network with ease.

Filed under: Barcode News,Consumer Barcoding,Solutions
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