DTC1000 – The perfect replacement for Fargo Persona C30e

Reliable and durable ID card printers tend to be around so long, they almost become part of your family. Â The difficult part is trying to find a replacement when the printer has finally run its course. For those of you who are finally parting with your Fargo Persona C30e, we have a suggestion for you.
The PersonaC30e was a simple, reliable and affordable ID card printing designed for everyone who wants to make great-looking plastic ID cards on a budget. Fargo can now offer an updated model DTC1000, which still offers great quality at a low price. The model offers single-side or dual-side printing, USB or Ethernet connectivity, and a variety of encoding options including magnetic stripe.
Shop our huge inventory to find the right printer for you. For more information about ID card systems, contact us at Barcodes Inc.