ICYMI: How to Manage your Tools with Barcodes and RFID with Gigatrak
In case you miss our webinar today, click on the video and discover how Barcodes and Gigatrak’s Tool Tracking System can help you manage your assets, or tools through our self hosted or cloud solution.
In this webinar, you will learn about the benefits of Barcodes vs RFID tracking solutions, how it can help you maximize control and return of investments in your facility.
Key Components:
- Managing your tool and inventory can help you reduce operating costs and protect your investments.
- The benefits of using a tool tracking management system.
- How to choose which tag works best for your operations? Barcodes, RFID, or Both?
If you have any questions, please contact our marketing manager, Lorna Malja, at [email protected] or at 855-253-5508.