ID TECH’s Shuttle and UniMag II Approved for the Visa Ready Program

ID Tech has announced two of their secure mobile magstripe readers, the Shuttle and UniMag II, are now approved solutions of the Visa Ready Program.
The Visa Ready Program is designed to ensure that devices, software, and solutions used to initiate or accept Visa payments are compatible with Visa’s requirements.
The ID Tech Shuttle and UniMag II are two-track encrypted magnetic stripe readers that transform any mobile device into an mPOS solution. Both mobile readers encrypt card data before it enters the mobile device increasing the merchant’s business reputation by inhibiting fraudulent activity. The Shuttle and UniMag II support TDES and AES encryption using DUKPT key management and administer superior card reading performance with a single swipe in either direction. With the Visa Ready Program’s security requirements and ID Tech’s continuation to innovate secure payment solutions, merchants can rely on the safety of their mPOS system.
“We are proud to provide secure card reading devices that meet the requirements of the Visa Ready Program. I believe that the approval of these devices by Visa combined with ID TECH’s reputation for safe and secure devices provides end users with the confidence they require when seeking a secure mPOS solution,†stated Bill Rorick, Vice President of Product Management & Marketing at ID TECH.
For assistance finding the right mobile card reader for your needs, contact us at Barcodes Inc.