Increase ROI with Asset Tracking

Feb. 26, 2020 11:00 AM (Central Time U.S and Canada)
Join Barcodes, Inc. and Wasp to learn how investing in an automated and reliable asset management solution can help increase your company’s ROI. Wasp creates complete fixed asset tracking solutions tailored to your business. Their easy-to-use asset tracking software will automate you organization’s fixed asset tracking for improved check-in/check-out processes, faster auditing and error-free reporting.
Key Takeaways Include:
- Reduce the amount of manual labor involved in asset management, unnecessary expenses on duplicated assets and track maintenance and depreciation of your assets.
- Get the most from your fixed asset purcahse with a centralized asset management solution.
- Asset management solutions are affordable and suitable for all types of companies and its ROI can be easily measured right after its implementation.
Presented By:
Randy McAfee – Sales Manager at Wasp Barcode
Raul Cepeda – VP Product Management & Strategic Alliances at Barcodes, Inc.
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