3 Tips for Storing Thermal Receipt Paper and Labels
Regardless of the application, having enough printing supplies on hand is essential to avoid any hold ups in daily operations. Keeping enough thermal receipt paper on hand also means making sure its stored properly so you don’t end up wasting money and more time. With the following 3 rules you’ll keep your thermal paper safe and ready for action when you need it.
Keep away from heat
Excessive heat will cause your thermal paper receipt to turn gray at best or turn completely black and illegible at worst. You should always store your thermal paper receipts away from heat sources. Sunlight will also fade your receipts faster than the normal rate. As a general rule it is best to store your paper in a cool, dark, and dry location to ensure the longest use from it.
Avoid liquids and oils
Like any paper, liquids and especially oils will degrade the paper itself. In the case of oils, they will react with the coating on the paper and discolor it.
Store it somewhere safe
Find a convenient storage closet or under-counter location to keep your un-printed rolls of receipt paper away from any sources of trouble but still easily accessible. For printed receipts that you need to retain, Star cash drawers have a media slot to keep the receipts inside the drawer below the till and for long-term needs a filing cabinet will keep them secure and safe.
For more assistance finding the right supplies or receipt printer for your needs, contact us at Barcodes Inc.