Plan Now: Solutions to Extended Lead Times & Rising Costs
Many industries are experiencing supply chain challenges from the unprecedented events of the last year; and unfortunately, our industry is also experiencing extended lead times and cost increases. The major industry suppliers are communicating extended lead times on electronic hardware, ribbons, and labels due to component and raw material shortages and increased demand. In some instances, these lead time notices are three (3) to nine (9) months or longer.
We encourage you to reach out and develop a mitigation plan with our experts here at Barcodes, Inc. By forecasting your supply chain needs now, we can work to secure supply and lock-in pricing for your future needs to provide you a more predictable and reliable supply chain. Many customers are creating stocking agreements with us and we urge you to evaluate this option.
Barcodes is committed to helping you mitigate cost increases and ensuring you the high quality services and products you need to operate. Please contact us to identify specific supply chain options, the latest pricing, alternative sources, and actions that can offset extended lead times.