Mobile Shelf Price Auditing for the Retail Environment
Industry Need
Aggressive pricing and promotions drive success in retail, and modern consumers are more price-sensitive than ever. The pressure to act and react quickly in modifying pricing continues to escalate. To meet this demand, today’s retailer needs increasingly efficient ways to implement accurate pricing changes on the retail floor. Only Intermec provides the total package of mobile printers, mobile computers, bar code scanners, and durable media necessary to label products and shelves at the point-of-use—key to improving store efficiency and eliminating costly errors.
When prices change, it is critically important that the price on the shelf matches the price in the computer; when these do not agree, significant problems result. If the charged price is higher, customer satisfaction plummets. If the charged price is lower, profits are lost. As an added consequence, retailers regularly incur fines when pricing accuracy laws are violated.
Printing today is commonly completed in batch mode using a fixed printer located in a back room away from the retail space. These shelf labeling systems separate a batch printing process from the point of labeling, creating the potential for obsolete, inaccurate, or misplaced shelf labels. Additionally, this separation from point-of-use leads to wasted trips and introduces a greater chance of human error in mis-labeling. For all these reasons, mobile label printing is becoming increasingly popular for shelf and product labeling in the retail environment.
Intermec Solution
With a lightweight handheld computer or bar code scanner and a compact, belt-mounted mobile printer, the retail staffer can print Intermec shelf labels with up-to-the-minute accuracy on demand—where and when they are needed.
Intermec’s Duratherm III Synthetic Label face sheet provides the ideal balance of print performance and shelf stability for the retail environment. Optimized direct thermal chemistry reduces the level of printhead energy needed, maximizing labels printed per battery charge. Its bright white background and crisp black print ensure that customers can easily read and identify products and prices. The plastic face sheet, protective top coat, and durable preprint inks ensure printed images survive moisture and exposure to spilled products. These rugged plastic shelf labels have been proven durable and effective in environments ranging from automotive to frozen foods.
Intermec’s all-temperature adhesive can be securely applied in conditions from ambient retail to freezer case shelving with confidence that it will remain in place for the duration of the price point. This versatile adhesive, paired with the strong synthetic face sheet, also provides controlled removability from most retail shelf surfaces. For unique performance requirements, our broad product portfolio also enables Intermec to provide a variety of alternate adhesive options when needed.
Intermec’s Duratherm III Synthetic labels enable durable, accurate, easy-to-read mobile-generated pricing, empowering retail enterprises with improved profitability, increased customer satisfaction, and reduced liability.
Duratherm III Synthetic Label with All Temperature Adhesive
Printer Recommendation
PB22, PB32, PB50 Rugged Mobile Label Printers
Computer Recommendation
Scanner Recommendation