Scanning One Barcode Within a Bunch

Posted April 3, 2017

To make sure you scan the intended barcode when a bunch of barcodes are bunched together – you have Aimer Delay (coupled with Centering) and you have CodeGate (coupled with Centering) – which we have discussed.  There is another scanner feature that addresses this problem – “Laser Aimer – Scanning Duration”.  It’s a feature in the Honeywell Granit 1280i User Guide, but it also works with other Honeywell area imagers – the Xenon and the other Granit Series.

Here is how this feature works once the feature is turned on:

  • Pull the trigger 1x.  The aimer turns on for X number of seconds which you preprogrammed when turning on the feature
  • It will also scan if you have it aimed at a barcode.
  • If it’s not aimed at a barcode it will give you X seconds to aim the scanner & pull the trigger before the aimer turns off.

Here is a one minute video that demonstrates what I tried to explain:

You really need to test this!  It’s awesome.  Here are the directions for testing it.

  1. Scan the below barcode


  1. Then go to the back of the Honeywell Xenon/Granit User Guide – page 264 (Programming Chart) – and scan 5000 (5 seconds).
  2. Then on page 265 scan “Save”.

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